Can rational self interest and socialism be reconciled?

I'd never shed a tear for anyone I hate as much as I hate him and what he stands for.

I only agree he is wrong on doing away with National security. If he means each state would stand on their own, well, then we'd have major internal issues. Mis communication, complete lack of communication, bickering..
What if you found out you paid in different ways for example inflation, lost pensions, loss of public services, degenerating infrastructure, environmental damage and the indebtedness of the next generation?

I have given a great deal of thought to the issue of "social security." At this time, it is predicted I will get $20,000 a year. Is that like $800/m in todays dollars? That would piss me off I guess. I know my company matches my payments btw. But I don't trust it will still be there. If I could stop paying today, I'd be okay with my losses. But I know that is not happening. I have to accept it I guess. Other than vote, what can I do? I don't even believe our votes make a difference. I still do it, but I don't trust that we really control the outcome.
I have given a great deal of thought to the issue of "social security." At this time, it is predicted I will get $20,000 a year. Is that like $800/m in todays dollars? That would piss me off I guess. I know my company matches my payments btw. But I don't trust it will still be there. If I could stop paying today, I'd be okay with my losses. But I know that is not happening. I have to accept it I guess. Other than vote, what can I do? I don't even believe our votes make a difference. I still do it, but I don't trust that we really control the outcome.

My view is that every dollar we spend is a vote

Every dollar we spend is a vote for more of the product and for more of the group supplying the product

If we don't like livin in a corporatocracy then we would need to not buy/vote for corporate products and services
I only agree he is wrong on doing away with National security. If he means each state would stand on their own, well, then we'd have major internal issues. Mis communication, complete lack of communication, bickering..

He is a dyed in the wool capitalist and that means nothing more or less than destabilising an already unstable situation more and more and more in the interests of the richest and consequentially more powerful. All because of fairytales about market forces, people should grow out of fairy tales and see things as they really are not how they would like them to be and not how they think they ought to be.
I have given a great deal of thought to the issue of "social security." At this time, it is predicted I will get $20,000 a year. Is that like $800/m in todays dollars? That would piss me off I guess. I know my company matches my payments btw. But I don't trust it will still be there. If I could stop paying today, I'd be okay with my losses. But I know that is not happening. I have to accept it I guess. Other than vote, what can I do? I don't even believe our votes make a difference. I still do it, but I don't trust that we really control the outcome.

I dont know how anyone can express such a lack of belief in democratic accountability but then exhibit a greater belief in near mythical consumer sovereignty and market forces to provide better in its place.
He is a dyed in the wool capitalist and that means nothing more or less than destabilising an already unstable situation more and more and more in the interests of the richest and consequentially more powerful. All because of fairytales about market forces, people should grow out of fairy tales and see things as they really are not how they would like them to be and not how they think they ought to be.

Well lets apply that very same rationale to what you're saying

You are presumably arguing here that the pragmatic approach to our problems is for a central authority to take control of the entire system and to manage it on our behalfs

We are just to trust this central authority that it won't be corrupt or oppressive

Well let me snatch that pragmatists badge off you because it doesn't belong to you and let me explain why

If you look at the personnel who would make up that central authority and you look at how they rose to power and how they maintained power and how they have sabotaged free market capitalism then you will find out that they are liars, murderers and thieves and that they are in fact not to be trusted to run anything let alone an entirely centralised planned economy

What you are essentially asking us all to do is to hand over all power to a bunch of psychopathic cut throats....which is not pragmatic, it's insane
I dont know how anyone can express such a lack of belief in democratic accountability but then exhibit a greater belief in near mythical consumer sovereignty and market forces to provide better in its place.

Will you please translate for me?
I just wish I could handle my own retirement savings. If I fail, that would be my fault. I don't see why the gov needs to handle this for us.
I just wish I could handle my own retirement savings. If I fail, that would be my fault. I don't see why the gov needs to handle this for us.

Yeah! and just why does your employer "have to" contribute to your social security. you will never see a dime of it and they could be using that money to make a better business! It is completely unfair.

If old people have not prepared for their aged feebleness then they should just shut up and endure.
Yeah! and just why does your employer "have to" contribute to your social security. you will never see a dime of it and they could be using that money to make a better business! It is completely unfair.

If old people have not prepared for their aged feebleness then they should just shut up and endure.

Here in the Uk we pay into state pensions and we can also if we want open a private pension policy

Private pension policies are often gambled as investments and people often lose them and the state pensions are being taken away from us because they keep raising the retirement age

By the time i retire i won't be allowed to retire! (depsite having paid money into the pot all my life)
Yeah! and just why does your employer "have to" contribute to your social security. you will never see a dime of it and they could be using that money to make a better business! It is completely unfair.

If old people have not prepared for their aged feebleness then they should just shut up and endure.
Life isn’t so cut and dry.
Do you know how many people saw significant portions of their retirement savings go up in flames when Wall Street crashed our economy?
BTW, that’s a disgusting attitude.
Life isn’t so cut and dry.
Do you know how many people saw significant portions of their retirement savings go up in flames when Wall Street crashed our economy?
BTW, that’s a disgusting attitude.

You don't like that brand of altruism? I think it best if we stop trying to save the stupid. I don't mind being that disgusting person. Better than being the disgusting person who is leaching off those who were smart with their income. It is inconsiderate to spend, spend, spend all your life. Then when you want to quit working, those who did save must help you out? No! I'll be the bitch who says it. I think those who did not prepare deserve what homeless state they find themselves in. Unless family wants to carry that weight. Some are okay with that.
Queen B here, as the ex spouse calls me. Someone crown me.
You don't like that brand of altruism? I think it best if we stop trying to save the stupid. I don't mind being that disgusting person. Better than being the disgusting person who is leaching off those who were smart with their income. It is inconsiderate to spend, spend, spend all your life. Then when you want to quit working, those who did save must help you out? No! I'll be the bitch who says it. I think those who did not prepare deserve what homeless state they find themselves in. Unless family wants to carry that weight. Some are okay with that.
Queen B here, as the ex spouse calls me. Someone crown me.
Except that isn’t reality.
The reality is that the american wage has not increased since the 1970’s while everything else has inflated.
Do you know why Social Security was created? Because there were large portions of elderly that were doing just that - dying.
No one who receives a SS check is rich…that is insanity. It is also not correct to say that people can live comfortably off the system. You can’t.
Yes, you can live in utter squalor off of what our social programs dish out now.
There are always people who abuse the system and take advantage of those who work hard for what they have….and hey, those people who work hard and wanna buy a jet ski or a fishing boat can afford to do so….I’m still pretty sure a welfare recipient can’t afford one.
The majority of those who need help from the system are working FULL TIME.
Since the early 80’s people have been priced out of health care, education, now pensions and retirements are a thing of the past, you have to gamble your money in a 401-k on Wall Street…this is what they tell us we have to do.
Wal-mart, the biggest employer of people in the US…also has the largest workforce on food stamps…why? Maybe they are dumb…we should invest in higher education.
But guess what? Wal-mart CEO made $23.2 billion last year….Wal-mart as a whole made roughly $17 BILLION in profits….PROFIT.
And yet, we as tax-payers are subsidizing their workers because they don’t want to pay a living wage…well fuck that….and fuck the attitude that we are all out just for ourselves and too bad if you were lazy….guess what most people aren’t lazy…they’re in bad situations because our nation has systematically yanked any social safety net out from under us in the past couple decades.
Why has the median working class wage stagnated for decades while top earner pay has skyrocketed?
Give me a break…people live paycheck to paycheck…they can’t afford school…they can’t afford to save.
We should just euthanize the poor maybe?
That’s sounds pretty altruistic to me.
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The recession was engineered to make us vote for Obama and his NWO cohorts.
Social Security is soma for the masses.
Obama care is the new gilded cage.
The recession was engineered to make us vote for Obama and his NWO cohorts.
Social Security is soma for the masses.
Obama care is the new gilded cage.
What choice does one have in the US but to take part in the health care system that is in place?
We have to fight to change it if we don’t like it.
If we want a single payer plan and to throw out these insurance ass-clowns, then what is stopping us?
The new socialism is the international bankers way of making us all poor.

They only give us war and disease disguised as security and vaccinations.

Next thing they will tell us is that we don't own the money in our pockets.
You don't like that brand of altruism? I think it best if we stop trying to save the stupid. I don't mind being that disgusting person. Better than being the disgusting person who is leaching off those who were smart with their income. It is inconsiderate to spend, spend, spend all your life. Then when you want to quit working, those who did save must help you out? No! I'll be the bitch who says it. I think those who did not prepare deserve what homeless state they find themselves in. Unless family wants to carry that weight. Some are okay with that.
Queen B here, as the ex spouse calls me. Someone crown me.

Not everything can be planned for. Some day you may learn just how wrong you are and youll be grateful for a system that can lend a helping hand.
The new socialism is the international bankers way of making us all poor.

They only give us war and disease disguised as security and vaccinations.

Next thing they will tell us is that we don't own the money in our pockets.
You don’t own the money in your pocket.
Each bill is an issuance of debt from the federal reserve.
It’s worse than worthless it has negative value in reality.
It’s all an illusion.
so when the old indigents buy cat food which is not real, the dollar they spend or the cat food they eat?