Can Someone explain what's going on: Like Twilight

I think we're falling into a fallacy that all INFJ's are mature. I'm sure all the ones on this forum are mature, but that doesn't speak to the rest of them out there. I've noticed this... 90% of the people you meet on these personality forums are mature people, even if teenagers, because they've taken the time to figure out who they are. They no longer live their lives in a reactionary way, but instead confidently know themselves and have some idea of what they want. They take this knowledge into the world and are generally comfortable in their own skin.

Part of immaturity is never taking the time to get to know yourself and your flaws.
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I wouldn't rule out INFJ or any other type for the girl, but honestly, at this point, I really don't think it really matters what type she is. The less time RandomINTP spends thinking about this person, the better. It'll dissuade him from the "maybe if I understand her type better, maybe I could turn things around/get her back, etc" thinking trap.

Invisible is right. It's best to cut off ties.
Hell, if you cut off ties she might realize she can't go around kissing random guys and expect to keep people at her side. She won't change if life has no consequences for her.
i don't know if she's a bad person. kissing strangers doesn't make you evil or worthless. i'm INFJ; i was like her once and my feelings were genuine. i don't think i was a bad person, i was just very confused about life.

if she said that she was in love with him in confidence to a person outside the relationship then she probably felt that emotion in a way that was real to her. i'd say that she probably did really love him, and i don't think it's meaningful to say "she didn't love him" or "she is this type of person" or "she is that type of person". i just don't think she's capable of experiencing and expressing love in a way that is secure and respectful at this point in her life. a person who resorts to hacking their partner's emails is not secure enough to be in a relationship either.

the lucky thing for the OP is that unlike the girl he's writing about, he hasn't been locked into a relationship as an outcome of this experience. he has an opportunity to remain single and work through his problems to develop himself to a point at which he would enjoy opportunities for a better relationship than his ex can possibly experience right now. i'm wishing the OP all the best.
I really don't see that as INFJ behavior, even if the INFJ does have issues. I would agree that the person in question has issues, but having issues doesn't make them an INFJ.

Well isn't INFJ's shadow side is ESTP? Its possible then that she is an INFJ in stress so she is acting like a cracked out ESTP.

I have been known to act out in ways that were very unlike me when I was stressed out so I'd assume that this is true with other people as well.
Everyone is right about moving on. Finding out that she was engaged was a shock but it's actually helping to move on from the situation. Pretty much is a sign of extreme disrespect to me and really clears up alot of things. It had to have been a very rash decision by this other guy too. Right now I have a career to focus on and it'll be q great distraction and something for me to grow from

I stuck with this relationship for so long because of how I felt, lack of experience and hope to work it out. I know it's unsalvable and a clean break is beat. I have provided that for the most part.

To give a little more information about her. She never knew her father. Her parents split very early on. He was never a part of her life. Her mom works in a male dominated career field and is very direct and forceful. She made my ex cry alot. I guess that's how she learned to deal with issues.

Yes to a point I had been trying to get her back but not in an active way. Knowing she is engaged just makes me, say it's not worth it at all. Yes I did make alot of mistakes in the relationship. Avoided alot of red flags. I'm an intp by nature and like to solve problems. Some though you just can't fix. I do wish her the best.

I do think she is infj based off alot of stuff. The only other type is isfj she could be
I do have alot of regrets about how things in the relationship turned out. For both me and her this was probably most most significant relationship that either one of us had had. The ex she is engaged too, alot of things just seem like a fantasy to me. Yeah there was history between them as far as high school, I asked if she is dillusional because it doesn't really seem like she is looking at much other then how she feels. However, I could probably say the same thing about how it turned out between me and her. The career field that I am in right now, alot of things would have had to line up between her and me for things to work out and the only way to figure out if that would happen would have taken a couple years to truly figure out.

I do have alot of regrets about how things turned out between us. Since we began this LDR nothing had been simple. Neither one of us had been very understanding about things. Both of us were in a panic about things working out. It may have not been said verbally but I know we were both thinking the same thing. Alot of empathy to each other and the situation we were both involved in was undermined by our fears. Right before we broke up, I was extremely depressed because of how difficult things were going between us. I really did stop takening care of myself because there were alot of emotional blows going on. We were very dependent on one another before and never learned to live our own lives while being together. It's strange how the fear the both of had actually manafested into a reality. For right now, I don't have any planes of starting a new relationship with anyone else. Still feel I need to just try and find myself again.

When we fought typically we would be talking about something random. She is a very quite person on the phone by the way. I would have to drive alot of the conversation. Eventually she would become irritated by something, I would try to remain calm and diffuse the conversation, eventually I would loose my calm. Before you know it both of us are yelling and I would say something I regret, I would try and get off the phone before that point though, I would tell her I need 5 minutes to calm down and I would call her back, I would be threatened to be broken up with at that point. After some yelling I would usally feel extremely low. This happened every couple of days. I feel bad because I know alot of what she needed at the time was just a emotionally connection but my depression had gotten so low that I wasn't the bright smiling guy I had been before.

Don't get me wrong, there were good days and those really kept me in it. She really did care about me. She did try to help. She did miss me a great deal and did love me alot. We smoothered each other. Patience was one of the things that had been lacking.

She rebounded back to her ex, the only reason I feel that she had done that was because she didn't want to hurt anymore from what happened between us. Her ex was so desperate to be with her that he pulled out all the stops. After me and her broke up she saw him for 10 days within 3 weeks. He flew out to see her. It's all meaningless though. Painful but meaningless. Knowing how relationships are the first 3 months are pretty much free and clear of all problems. That's whats going on here, it's like a brand new relationship. Give it time and the real stuff will be brought out.

Again, all I can really do is change myself and become a better person, learn from the mistakes and take it one step at a time. Wish I could change people, place and things but in the real world it's just fantasy.
"a person who resorts to hacking their partner's emails is not secure enough to be in a relationship either."

I totally agree with you. I wasn't very secure in the relationship and it was something I really should have addressed... well actually I did but the trust between us had been fractured. We knew each other very well living together for so long. Even though she had stopped talking to him I knew something was going on with her. Alot of the fighting we were in I knew there was an underlying issue going on. However, she didn't know how to bring it up. I know when I was 21, i had difficulty expressing the problem I had. Like it had been stated before she really had no idea what was going on in her own head. She was confused and never really sorted it out. Your completely right I believe about me sorting my own issues out and not denying what actually took place. Right now I just need to be honest with myself. Do i still love her yes but things had gotten so FUBAR between us that I just need to walk away and let things be.
"Hell, if you cut off ties she might realize she can't go around kissing random guys and expect to keep people at her side. She won't change if life has no consequences for her."

This is very true, I think we both however did a pretty bad job about establishing firm boundries. When we were living together up until a point things were very healthy but eventually there was some respect lost on both sides of our relationship.

I realized from this relationship if someone threatin's to break up with me, it's best just to let them do it, if there serious or not. That was the one thing that I allowed her to control me by. That eventually led to alot of unhealthy things