Just here to vent out my personal issues and to get an opinion from a fellow INFJ, because clearly I have a not-so-good ability to understand my own emotions.
For some time now I have been suffering with a lack of motivation, and has been ongoing for two years now. I’m still a teen and at college, but it started in secondary school (high school if you are American) I’m extremely perfectionistic and before this all started I would consider myself highly organised. I was getting pretty good grades in all my subjects across the board.
But at some point, and I cant remember when, but it all got too much. I fell into a state of mind where I overthought everything I did. Homework became difficult because of it. And so I struggled to even get started despite wanting to. Actually being at school was difficult too. I fall into patterns of paranoia and overthinking very thing to a point where I drive myself crazy. I dwell on what people think of me, how different I am to my friends, if they actually like me, how I am not good enough. I try my best to make sure I come across as the most approachable and inviting version of myself too but I’m just not sure. I often scared I’m too ‘in my head’ and daydreamy and I often am, so I miss important details in my external that I should be aware of.
I have had the same circle of close friends for the past five years.And I love them all dearly, but to this day still feel as though i cannot truely connect because I am aware of how different I am them. Even with them I can be socially awkward.
I have dreams and aspirations and so many goals I have not yet achieved and I feel as though the world is moving so fast but I’m at a standstill. I often feel unknowledgabe and unintelligent but most of my grades are still pretty high. But still my procrastination causes the work to build up and up and up sometimes and I feel as though I have to run this work marathon to catch up again. I frustrate myself so much with this habit.
Any advice/opinion on the causes of this would be greatly appreciated . I wrote this very fast just to get all the emotion out so I apologise for anything that doesn’t make sense lol.
For some time now I have been suffering with a lack of motivation, and has been ongoing for two years now. I’m still a teen and at college, but it started in secondary school (high school if you are American) I’m extremely perfectionistic and before this all started I would consider myself highly organised. I was getting pretty good grades in all my subjects across the board.
But at some point, and I cant remember when, but it all got too much. I fell into a state of mind where I overthought everything I did. Homework became difficult because of it. And so I struggled to even get started despite wanting to. Actually being at school was difficult too. I fall into patterns of paranoia and overthinking very thing to a point where I drive myself crazy. I dwell on what people think of me, how different I am to my friends, if they actually like me, how I am not good enough. I try my best to make sure I come across as the most approachable and inviting version of myself too but I’m just not sure. I often scared I’m too ‘in my head’ and daydreamy and I often am, so I miss important details in my external that I should be aware of.
I have had the same circle of close friends for the past five years.And I love them all dearly, but to this day still feel as though i cannot truely connect because I am aware of how different I am them. Even with them I can be socially awkward.
I have dreams and aspirations and so many goals I have not yet achieved and I feel as though the world is moving so fast but I’m at a standstill. I often feel unknowledgabe and unintelligent but most of my grades are still pretty high. But still my procrastination causes the work to build up and up and up sometimes and I feel as though I have to run this work marathon to catch up again. I frustrate myself so much with this habit.
Any advice/opinion on the causes of this would be greatly appreciated . I wrote this very fast just to get all the emotion out so I apologise for anything that doesn’t make sense lol.