Can you be between two personality types?

Also do you have the scores for the tests you've done that retuned INFx, it might help us to see what areas you score high or low in.
I looked at the four descriptions for INFJ/INFP. I can't remember my results exactly but on one test it highlights both INFJ and INFP but I had a higher score on INFJ. It was something like 80% INFJ, 76% INFP, pretty close. One test has said INTJ before. I feel more like an INFJ but I think maybe I'm too reserved for that. And I'm not particularly interested in meeting new people. I just like thinking about things. I'm very inquisitive. And I'm definitely not a leader. I only take control if it's a project that I care about. I'd quite like to know where I fit in. I enjoy aesthetics very much, particularly abstract things that are very intricate or I enjoy very vivid colours. When I see art I see beauty rather than meaning. I don't usually think about the meaning or even what the picture is of. I think about the way the lines are drawn and the colours that are used. Does that sound like one or the other? Sorry. A bit drunk (if this doesn't make sense) will have another scout around websites tomorrow. Thanks for feedback.
Kay there drunk one :D

With the scores I mean as in EvI, SvN, TvF and JvP, have you done any tests that score you that way? It would help to see what options would be closest for a best fit.

As for being a leader, INTs are referred to as reluctant leaders, many don't choose to take control and will only step up if no one else will. As for what you said about art, I feel exactly the same way, I appreciate it but I don’t analyse it.
Sober now and have re-done my test:

Introverted (I) 71%Extraverted (E) 29%Intuitive (N) 82%Sensing (S) 18%Feeling (F) 65%Thinking (T) 35%Judging (J) 73%Perceiving (P) 27%

Is this what you mean? The one before it said I was INTJ! haha! Every test I do seems to come out with a different answer but INFJ seems overall the one that comes up the most...I think I'll just presume I'm one of them.
Having taken the myers-briggs test a few times I seem to come out an equal number INFJ as I do INFP. So I went back to a favourite site (very detailed) and read both descriptions. I recognise myself more in INFJ but there are a few things in INFP that describe me too. Some things in the INFP description seemed nothing like me at all. There was a hint towards not liking logic. But I do like logic. A lot. I definitely think with my head not my heart. And the INFP seemed a bit overly emotional to me. I'm not very emotional. Not outwardly anyway. My friends think I'm dead inside :-) And the INFP seemed to do things for other people all the time. I like to be as helpful as I can be but at the end of the day I'm more interested in improving myself than anything else.
What do I sound like to you?
Anyone else confused about what they are? Had a lot of different results on different tests?

I usually test INFJ but on a few occasions, I was INTJ. It is possible to be on a cusp, definitely.
Well, here's the thing; you can switch between functions, but you only have one main preference. You can think rationally like a T in a lot of different areas, especially if you're well-rounded, but your combined processes will either lean towards T or F permanently.
In other words, it's how your mind works; you can strengthen functions and use different ones at different times, but your mind will always have one base preference....
So you just have to decide for yourself from there :) In a calm, neutral environment where you are stress-free, which describes you better?