Uh okay. Let's take a typical weekday when school is in session. (Yes, I'm in high school, but don't use that as an excuse of why I can't figure out my type. I've been there, done that.) Okay, I wake up in the morning after staying up all night on the computer too long. I hit the snooze button about a thousand times until my mom comes in my room and yells at me to get up.

I like getting up at 6am because I can take as long as I want to get ready when I leave at 7:15am.
I don't like being rushed. I put on my clothes, then lay in bed or watch TV for a half an hour before I go and put in my contacts and do whatever else I have to do. I eat breakfast in the car while I'm being driven to school. In the morning, I usually don't think of anything on the drive there because I'm too sleepy.
If I am thinking of something, it's usually me trying to figure out how I can finish the homework I didn't do before each period. Or I am worried about what other people are thinking of me (I have low self-esteem). So I get to class and I don't talk to that many people. I don't initiate conversations so I don't have many friends or people to talk with. If I have absolutely nothing to do, I pretend that I'm preoccupied with something so I don't seem like I have no friends.
I stay pretty attentive during class and try to listen to what the teacher is saying. Sometimes I fall asleep because the teachers are too boring and I haven't slept that much the night before.

When school ends I have to wait for my mom to pick me up again. Emphasis on the wait.

She takes forever to get there. :/ Anyway, when I get picked up I am relieved that I am no longer in an environment where I am judged on my looks, etc. When I get home, I go on the computer or watch TV until I have to get ready to go to my dance classes.
I like to get dressed for dance with plenty of time to spare time because, again, I don't like to be rushed. I like to take my time. When my mom drives me to dance I like to have the radio on in the car and I like to stare out the window.
I may be looking out the window, but I am not paying complete attention to my surroundings. I let my mind wander and I daydream or do some thinking. It may be silly, but it's one of my favorite things to do. I just love long car rides where I get to look out the window. Unfortunately, because of this, I have no sense of direction.
At dance class, I like being worked. No matter how much I hate it at the time, afterwards, I get a sense of accomplishment. I love it when we really get down to business there and do some hard work. There's just something great about it. I don't, however, like to be called out because I am doing something wrong. That makes me feel horrible. After dance class I do more waiting for my parents to come pick me up and head home.

There I just laze around the house, take a shower, go on forums on my laptop, then retreat to my messy room to go to bed for the next day.
Something of note:
I try to be organized in my work habits, but sometimes I get lazy and things get disorganized. Being organized takes a lot of work.
And there you have it. A typical day of mine. I tried to underline things that might be important and I added a few monkeys.