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That's a pretty strong Fi in comparison to the other functions for a first time test. Are you sure you're truly not INFP, or is it that you don't want to be an INFP? Of course, you would know best, but a lot of times once you learn about MBTI you have to ask yourself the difference between who you are and who you want to be.
ISTJ might be you. They use Si first and Te second, as you've probably heard by now. Do you think you use those functions? As an INFJ, it's very difficult to try to explain an ISTJ's style of thinking, because they literally use the cognitive functions in the exact opposite way of an INFJ, so I'm not sure if I'm helping too much.
ISTJ might be you. They use Si first and Te second, as you've probably heard by now. Do you think you use those functions? As an INFJ, it's very difficult to try to explain an ISTJ's style of thinking, because they literally use the cognitive functions in the exact opposite way of an INFJ, so I'm not sure if I'm helping too much.