If so you should be out finding serial killers and lost children.
Who would believe you? No one. It isn't what you know, only what you can prove - and proof is a tangible and fickle thing that can be manipulated by the skilled. I am not about to put myself in a position to be manipulated by a serial killer - few would.
I don't pretend to be psychic, only thoroughly knowledgeable of my own emotional states - and my states are often just reactions to other people's emotional states. It's like overhearing one side of a telephone conversation - you can extrapolate what is being said on the other side by paying attention, but only to a certain degree. Certainly not to the degree of destroying someone's life over a hunch - even if that hunch tells me that that someone murders other people. What if I am wrong? I would rather they drag their guilty conscience to their grave than mire mine with doubts.