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I am waiting for some youtube videos of you performing some miracles.
good luck with your journey! i think the important thing is not so much who we are, as what we achieve.
i believe i am the second coming of christ, so called:
the son of man, the lamb.
I am waiting for some youtube videos of you performing some miracles.
I feel like if Jesus returned he wouldn't necessarily be baiting people on a forum for INFJ's trying to get them to disprove that he is in fact Jesus. I don't think Jesus had an ego big enough for that.
Then again, I'm not Christian so if you are Jesus that is good for you, and if you are not Jesus that is good for you too.
I only made you my antagonist because I thought that what's you wanted: a discussion. So no hard feelings, it's a "game" for me aswell!
And even it you are, or are not, Christ "in the second comming", then I'll give you my approval to go ahead and save the world. For the sake of your own health though, I believe you ought to seek out help in form av visdom what it means to be human and not being able to take on the whole world. It will destroy any mans mind to even try. But to take on your part, and doing it well, whole hearted... that is enough for one man. Even Christ didn't leave the Middle East... but his students did!
I will continue in this "game" for aslong as it amuses me. For now, I have other things to focus on.
idk,... food for thought,.
you are what you eat...
So eat some JESUS right
drink some blood of the lamb of GOD
im guessing... nothing different ?![]()
Actually, nothing in this quote sounds crazy. I think it is an excellent goal, and one I hope you will achieve.this has everything to do with the religion, of christianity.
because if im right, then im going to need some help arnt i, if im wrong then what?. doesnt mean im going to give up on what i am doing.
trying to save the world is the most accurate description for what it is im doing, weather or not i succeed is up to god.
im not crazy, i KNOW exactly how crazy it sounds,
I'm sure some were. Others where psychologically unstable. Because many people have made such claims in the past, and it is so unlikely that it is to actually happen right now, in you, makes this a truly extraordinary claim. Any good scientist would say that an extraordinary claim would require extraordinary evidence. And I feel that view is held in day to day society.but why does it disturb you so?..
why does it matter if many people have claimed to be jesus>? were they trying to save the world?..
You're making a different claim here. I believe most Christians would say that they are a "person who's God given purpose is to follow God's good values, and action God's Good purpose". That's not something specific to a second coming of Christ.blasphemus...NO, ... this is merely a theory. of mine, i dont KNOW for a fact, or i would have said, I KNOW im jesus.
but i have evidence, both scientific and personal, which suggests to me, that I AM.
suggesting that I AM a persons who's God given purpose is to follow God's good values, and action God's Good purpose.
It's safer to doubt. And asking a question cannot be Blasphemy. Only conclusions based on the answer.Asking whats the matter with God?... "thats Blasphemy"
it means you already doubted.
see, ...this isnt about them... its about me, ....
my claim, my theory, my suggestion,.... if i am,.....
then God did a very great Job....
he made the first jesus,..... who became the most popular man on earth. 2000 years after his death.
he has more followers now,... than obama will have over his lifetime.
he has spoken wiser words,... with greater value,... than ghandi,
i dont think im god incarnate, ....
i think i am the second coming of jesus, the one called the son of man.
the physics behined my theory are different.
ive conceptualised, that due to my psychological sensitivity to both vibrational energy and human personality
ive unconsciously picked up on the projection of vibrational personality (energy) which eminates from God/jesus
and due to my own personal psychological structure, acted upon these vibrations both consciously and unconscioussly, accordingly.
theres more to the story but thats a jist.
not many immature teens like to play here...(ie. boooooring)
i like how you said that, you seem like a very respectful person.
but i can assure you theres nothing twisted going on here....
as you could imagine no-one wants to talk about this kind of thing IN PERSON
i'd assume, person(s) would be alot more comfortable talking about this on the net.
facebook doesnt do, because everyone is in the youth society, fast pace etc.
ive talked to people about this in person... you could say i have people who believe already...
i dont spend that much time on the net, maybe 1 hour a day.
not enough time to go finding the BEST online website in the world,
but as far as im concerned, this could be one of the best if not THE.
thihnk about it, a good variety of opinion and information.
often mature responsible's, not many immature teens like to play here...(ie. boooooring)
it's not personal so there would be no need for agression,
for instance, you wouldnt take as much offence to my statements here, as you would IN PERSON.
also... INFJ is supposedly... JESUS christs personality type.
i think its good.
one good point i can make.
answer me this:
lets say i am the son of man...for sure...definitely, no doubt about it.
what would change for you?....
how would you react?....
my guess is... not much would change...
maybe you'd ask me a question or two?
maybe your train of thought would change a little..?
idk,... food for thought,.
you are what you eat...
So eat some JESUS right
drink some blood of the lamb of GOD
im guessing... nothing different ?![]()
What is the advantage of believing a person who claims to be the son of God. Additionally, are you the ONLY son of God and is it not possible that since we are all made in God's image that each of us are God?
It changes nothing for me if you are or are not Jesus Christ as I am an atheist and do not believe I will suffer or be punished by not accepting Christ in my heart. It is just interesting to see someone make a claim. I've seen these kinds of claims before in schizophrenics, but I am sure you've been accusing of having delusions of grandeur before if you've posed this question elsewhere. I'm not accusing you because I think you're just making fun and not actually serious about being Christ.
And now I'm convinced that you are not the second coming of Christ. It didn't matter whether or not you answered my questions/challenges, simply how you respond in general. I admit I cannot point to anything in particular, but the general tone and line of questioning do not seem as it should be for a person whose goal is to save the souls of people on earth. I may idealize the son of God, but I see him as someone who does what is needed, not what is wanted. Further I don't see Jesus as really needing anything. He brings what is needed, and doesn't look for his own needs. Like I said, this might be idealizing, but that is part of the picture I like to paint.
my goal isnt to save people's soul's my bro.
jesus did that already i think, didnt he.
plus what i am claiming to be is not alien. im still a person by claim, and still human by claim.
my goal is to save, not persons souls, but persons themselves,
my goal is to bring that notion of paradise, down from only in your imaginations.
and establish that self sustaining loving society. in REALITY.
my goal is to spread unit, E worldwide.
so why would i not have attitude? my attitude was not there because i am bad...
it was there because i felt the sense that u ment to disrespect me.
thank you for hoping that i achieve btw, its good to know, like ur praying for my will to be done 0.0
ur right - that stuff is not specific to christ.
but i am not christ,in other words im not the first president of christianity. im the second.
and i have only respect for the first...i believe in him.
same job title, different societys.
Actually, nothing in this quote sounds crazy. I think it is an excellent goal, and one I hope you will achieve.
I'm sure some were. Others where psychologically unstable. Because many people have made such claims in the past, and it is so unlikely that it is to actually happen right now, in you, makes this a truly extraordinary claim. Any good scientist would say that an extraordinary claim would require extraordinary evidence. And I feel that view is held in day to day society.
You're making a different claim here. I believe most Christians would say that they are a "person who's God given purpose is to follow God's good values, and action God's Good purpose". That's not something specific to a second coming of Christ.
It's safer to doubt. And asking a question cannot be Blasphemy. Only conclusions based on the answer.
it can be....
depends how you communicated the question> eg: are you a idiot?..
or ,... so then,... youll believe the entire universe, didnt come from anywhere?
calculation: []-[] nothing + nothing = universe?
And this idea is great and all, but....its really just buzz words. Unless you are redefining their meanings, those words don't work in that sentence like that. It's fine if you want to redefine them, but please clarify that so we can follow along....
oh im serious, but lets break it down for a second.
son of GOD, technically yes, however MOST christians will naturally claim mankind to be SONs and Daughters of GOD,
which is to say that we are GODs offspring.
what i mean by being "Jesus" or im jesus,
Im not saying, that i am actually JESUS himself, im saying.
that IN GOD, (or IN this universe/entirety of everything energy blah blah)
me and him, have the same job, different era.
same character, different society's
same, personality, different community
nowa days,
word of mouth doesnt travell as far as it did back then does it.
neither does. writing your own scriptures.
or even performing miricles, like those magicians you see on TV like dynamo.
tell me exactly what travells far these days? like stuff did back then?>
things have changed.
so im not riding a donkey, im driving a car.
im not alone, i have family.
This was my first thought too lololWhy is the Son of Man's grammar, spelling, and formatting so horrendous? I'd be grateful if you saved me from trying to interpret it.