Chirstoph Waltz/Col. Hans Landa



He was incredible as the Col. in Inglorious Basterds and he was great in Water for Elephants. I wish I spoke german just so that I could see his other films without subtitles.

Besides Waltz as a person, what about the character Col Landa?

Other sites seem to have the idea that he is an entj but I think he is a clear introvert. I see some Ni and Fe in both the character and the actor. Waltz has described himself as the reserved type and seems very introverted as well.
I agree that Landa definitely seems to have a twisted form of Fe, and the heavy use of Ni is all over the place. Could he be an INFJ gone very very wrong?

Shosanna is also an interesting character to type. I've narrowed it down to INFJ and INFP. What do you guys think?
Shoshanna could have been an infp, she was more minor so I couldn't really tell you.

Landa used Fe when he was conversing a ton. He'd make you feel comfortable and still analyze you with Ni, just waiting to pounce.
Landa used Fe when he was conversing a ton. He'd make you feel comfortable and still analyze you with Ni, just waiting to pounce.

+1 YES! [MENTION=3545]bickelz[/MENTION]
[ame=""]YouTube - Inglourious Basterds - Hans Landa: "Bingo!"[/ame]