Clairvoyance abilities test


Actually, I had St Peter's Porter once long ago, ..., 15 years ago, I think.

It tastes like green algae, I remember.

Then green algae must taste wonderful hahaha.
I like the Out of Body test on the same site...pretty interesting.

Results of the test:

Congratulations! You've been out of your body at will, and if it is not a result of special training, you have an in-born capacity to journey to the astral plane. With your capacities you won't find it difficult to master the methodologies of healing, operating bioenergetics, clairvoyance, etc. Develop them and you'll reach considerable results!
Your result in form of a rating:
[TABLE="width: 450, align: center"]
[TD]Astral Projection:[TABLE="width: 150"]
[TD="width: 52%, bgcolor: gray"]52%[/TD]
[TD="width: 48%"][/TD]
[TD]Out-of-Body-Experience:[TABLE="width: 150"]
[TD="width: 66%, bgcolor: gray"]66%[/TD]
[TD="width: 34%"][/TD]
[TD]Lucid Dreams:[TABLE="width: 150"]
[TD="width: 63%, bgcolor: gray"]63%[/TD]
[TD="width: 37%"][/TD]
The difference between Astral projection and Out of Body Experience within the framework of this test is as follows: in case of an OBE, there is a complete exit of the astral body with suppression of the physical one, while Astral projection provides for being in an intermediate state, without loosing completely the feelings of the physical body.
I just barely made it into the predisposition. So I'm part normie, part psychic. Basically, I'm a daywalker.

You have, beyond doubts, predisposition for this kind of activities. To master the skills of extrasensory perception, you need only to listen to your inner self and learn to use the abilities you already possess.

My old score is beaten. Now I have a better one. Unfortunately, the top 100 listing is a programming error on their behalf. You need at least 13196 points.
Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell that I am cheating. I bought a pendulum last week. :m159:
3570 - common person.
You parameters correspond to a common person. Hidden abilities are a rare thing for you, but they can be developed with due dedication and persistence.

I wish I never bought that crystal ball now.
Also for Astral Projection I got

Online test for predisposition to Astral projections, lucid dreams and out of body experiences:

You're no newbie in studying the other planes and you have more than one journey to the astral plane, but didn't yet reach the level when you can manage your astral body in perfection.
  • Astral Projection : 63%
  • Out of Body Experience : 99%
  • Lucid Dreams : 75%