Shai, I'll say right up front that your argument made sense to me. I understand it, and sincerely don't have a problem with it.
We live in different cultures, with different laws. There are no laws requiring fathers of children to take financial, emotional or moral responsibility for their "illegitimate" children here. Even if there has been marriage - and divorce - good luck collecting the settlement or engaging the man who impregnated you in the life of your child. Been there. Got pregnant at 19, got married, got divorced at 21. Ex wouldn't pay the $50 freaking dollars a month (which didn't pay half of one week's childcare while I worked) I settled for (not alimony, which I didn't ask for) because then he wouldn't have been able to make his Harley payment. My father never paid the child support he owed my mother, either. Ever. Despite having an Astin Martin while we lived in a crappy apartment that often didn't have heat/hot water in the winter.
There are two sides to that coin.
Cool, you want a vasectomy. I'm ALL FOR responsible parenting, including conscious thoughtful decisions about becoming a parent. I'm pro-birth control, I'm pro-choice. I'm pro-committed, loving parenting. Men who use condoms and get vasectomies are HEROES in my eyes. So are men who acknowledge and care for their children, if not the mothers of those children.
I just freaking HATE to hear all women lumped together as the sinner, the parasite, The One To Blame, regardless of their choice. If they have a choice. It makes my lips curl back to hear any man... any man... dismissively and derisively talk about pregnancy and/or abortion like they could possibly begin to have the shadow of an inkling of a concept of what either entails.
Making assumptions about women who find themselves young, alone and pregnant is cold, shallow, and lacking in imagination and empathy. Not all of them are wellfare sluts.