Class poll on prejudice

I don't know if he tries to be funny, trying to get a reaction or if he really believes it. I prefer to think it's the first two although I'm not sure.
I should be used to it by now. And you did add the arsehole disclaimer (duly noted and appreciated), but man, Shai. You blow me away with your views on women and pregnancy.

No see, That's not against women. That's against more idiotic children bringing MORE life into an overpopulated planet without thoughts as to how they're going to support it. Australia already has too many single mothers who are a drain to the welfare system (thanks in part to john howards plan of giving every pregnant woman $3000). That's not even touching on the fact that by law a guy who had sex with a girl who doesn't want to give up the baby (even though he wants nothing to do with it and has no rights to it) has to give up a VERY substantial part of his paycheck for 18 years to support its parasitic life.

The second part might have sounded anti woman and pro guy... But that's only because you're not familiar with my plan of giving every guy who wants to fuck a girl, they're not in a legally binding relationship with, without a condom, a vasectomy/deballing.

Your plan gives a whole new chilling dimension to the expression Pro-Choice.
How about the expression "Pro-NotBeingAMoronAndEndingTheConstantContinuationOfChildrenBeingBornOnEarthWithoutTheFundsToSupportThem" or

I find myself fervently hoping you meet a girl some day who radically expands - even epiphanizes - your views on this topic.
What's to expand my mind upon? I'm booked in for an appointment to get a vasectomy in February. I'm not Anti-Woman, no matter how far you want to twist my words. I'm Anti-Idiocy.
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So when the private charities are most needed, the government won't let them fulfill the need. That's messed up.

Something to consider about private charities and gay youth.

We hear of kids being gaybashed in youth shelters, most of which in our country are “faith-based.”
Also, LGBT youth report they are threatened, belittled and abused at shelters by staff as well as other residents.
From these reports on homeless gay youth.

What about foster homes? Do most of the kids go to the Department of Social Services? (I suppose some might be worried that they would be sent back to their parents, who would just despise their presence while being forced to take them back in.)
Many of these kids are from abusive homes and would prefer to be homeless than return to that situation. The state has at least passed a law that allows them to declare emancipation if they are at least 16, but that doesn't help their homeless situation. They also have no social support system and have been ostracized from their communities.

The thing that really gets me is how a parent can kick out their own child from their house. Although I've seen it happen, I can't imagine how much prejudicial hatred has to be in someone's heart for them to sentence their own child to death like this. Just because they "didn't like" or agree with their sexual orientation.

What are you talking about? That is Christian love! Better to save the eternal soul than the body.

It is also becoming a national epidemic.

I wonder - is it the same issue for pregnant teens, too? Do parents kick the girls out of their homes for being pregnant?
Less likely in Utah. The parents will tolerate teens to keep them from having abortions.
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If you are even slightly effeminate in Utah, your life is automatically crappy. It's such a friggin weird state. You can feel the depression in teens.
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Shai, I'll say right up front that your argument made sense to me. I understand it, and sincerely don't have a problem with it.

We live in different cultures, with different laws. There are no laws requiring fathers of children to take financial, emotional or moral responsibility for their "illegitimate" children here. Even if there has been marriage - and divorce - good luck collecting the settlement or engaging the man who impregnated you in the life of your child. Been there. Got pregnant at 19, got married, got divorced at 21. Ex wouldn't pay the $50 freaking dollars a month (which didn't pay half of one week's childcare while I worked) I settled for (not alimony, which I didn't ask for) because then he wouldn't have been able to make his Harley payment. My father never paid the child support he owed my mother, either. Ever. Despite having an Astin Martin while we lived in a crappy apartment that often didn't have heat/hot water in the winter.

There are two sides to that coin.

Cool, you want a vasectomy. I'm ALL FOR responsible parenting, including conscious thoughtful decisions about becoming a parent. I'm pro-birth control, I'm pro-choice. I'm pro-committed, loving parenting. Men who use condoms and get vasectomies are HEROES in my eyes. So are men who acknowledge and care for their children, if not the mothers of those children.

I just freaking HATE to hear all women lumped together as the sinner, the parasite, The One To Blame, regardless of their choice. If they have a choice. It makes my lips curl back to hear any man... any man... dismissively and derisively talk about pregnancy and/or abortion like they could possibly begin to have the shadow of an inkling of a concept of what either entails.

Making assumptions about women who find themselves young, alone and pregnant is cold, shallow, and lacking in imagination and empathy. Not all of them are wellfare sluts.

And they are right next door to a state that contains legalized prostitution. Something here doesn't seem quite right...


Also, don't miss the chance to read that article. You are libertarian aren't ya? That should be right up your alley.
I've had an LDS guy come and try to convert once, only once thank God. He was weird as hell, like he was some strange parent who was just "there to help me out"... I was just a little scared.
From what I've now heard, I'm now thankful not to be living in Utah.
Seems right to me, if you have an itch you only got to cross one state line to get it scratched.
And they are right next door to a state that contains legalized prostitution. Something here doesn't seem quite right...

Not only does that not seem quite right, but it sounds like one state profiting off another's issues. I hate to be that negative, but damn...Utah is one cold mf'ing state.

Satya, what they're doing in Utah is in no way, no when, no how, and by no means Christian. That's not Jesus; that's pure, unadulterated, state-sanctioned murder.
hehe, don't the "liberal" views and the "conservative" views seem to contradict themselves sometimes? It always makes me chuckle inside...
Not only does that not seem quite right, but it sounds like one state profiting off another's issues. I hate to be that negative, but damn...Utah is one cold mf'ing state.

Correction. It is a "family values" state.

Satya, what they're doing in Utah is in no way, no when, no how, and by no means Christian. That's not Jesus; that's pure, unadulterated, state-sanctioned murder.

A state that is over 66% Christian and whose government is over 90% Christian. But none of this kind of stuff is new to me. Just what I have been dealing with since I was in junior high and part of what has made me the person I am today.

No grand statement, I'm just saying it seems intuitively silly. It would be much more so if it was in the same state, of course.

Also, don't miss the chance to read that article. You are libertarian aren't ya? That should be right up your alley.

I read the article (not as thoroughly as I would like, but I plan to get back to the rest of the articles you've been posting in this and the other thread after the weekend). My initial thought is that it's just yet another case of the government running into internal inconsistency within its own systems.
On that note, I wish there were more people in government with strong Ti.

A state that is over 66% Christian and whose government is over 90% Christian.

By profession, that is. "Christian" is a pretty generic term; Both I and an LDS member would fall under it. What arbygil was pointing out was that this is not the sort of thing Jesus would condone.
What arbygil was pointing out was that this is not the sort of thing Jesus would condone.


Since when is Christianity about what Jesus Christ would do?

Come on! You can't ostracize and dehumanize entire groups of people for who they are if you are suppose to love everyone as much as you love yourself! Paul's writings and the Old Testament are much more important than anything Jesus Christ ever taught.
Since when is Christianity about what Jesus Christ would do?

The question should be: since when is Christianity not about what Jesus Christ would do?
And the answer (probably) is: since Jesus died (or was taken to heaven bodily, as you like).
The question should be: since when is Christianity not about what Jesus Christ would do?
And the answer (probably) is: since Jesus died (or was taken to heaven bodily, as you like).


For once I don't have a sarcastic remark, so I'll just have to agree.