Climate Change

So what if I was fucking high? What exactly are you implying about high people?

Ya willing to die for it? Like Christians who were burned at the stake by other humans who believed the science at the time. What greater sacrifice than to die for what you believe? Science is not perfect because man is not perfect. I'm challenging the amount they believe their own bullshit.
For some reason humans believe the delusion that they must progress on. Why? For what purpose does the human race need to continue? How many of us are crying about the other extinct humanoids that came before us? The real question is do we deserve to continue on?

Being high is often associated with lethargy. I don't do drugs, alcohol or any other narcotics. I'd ban the lot if I had the power. Ever heard of Temperance? Its a Christian virtue.

Christians persecuted Science, not the otherway around bucko. You're thinking of the Romans. Modern Christians now protect science against those who would destroy it, unless you want to join ISIS in their crusade against Science...

I rather want humanity to continue. You could say I have a vested interest.

Science is not perfect but I'd rather have a Doctor than a Priest when I have an illness.

Jesus doesn't save the body, only our souls, and I rather like being alive thank you.

On the topic of Jesus, Jesus would have given all his money to the poor. Tell me, how much money do YOU have? At the very least you should be making significant donations like I do. Afterall Jesus said it is as easy for a rich man to enter heaven as it is a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

There were no intelligent humanoids like us before us. We are unique.

If you want to destroy your own species you are guilty of Sloth and Jesus would be ashamed of you. The original sin of Sloth meant a lack of appreciation of Gods Creation. Humanity and the Earth is God's Creation so not protecting it or appreciating it is a sin, Sloth.
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1) Russia and Nuclear War are a geopolitical issue not a scientific one.
2) The world does change. We can communicate at lightspeed from a device that fits in your pocket.
3) An asteroid hitting the Earth is preventable as Climate Change, but saying "We don't need to do anything! The WORLD will stop it!" Whilst technically true, it will stop when it hits the Earth, but then again the atmosphere will probably render an extinction level event. Go ask the Dinosaurs.
4) Planting Trees doesn't take enough CO2 out of the air. Its better than nothing but its like holding a rag to your face in a mustard gas attack.
5) The Earth will be perfectly fine, its a lump of rock, its the people I'm worried about.
How is nuclear war not a scientific problem? The fucking scientists discovered how to make bombs that wreck the environment with high levels of radiation. Scientists also made the war machines that we use to kill one another. You know chemical gas. Thanks science. I'm not a believer in all the good doings of science. They have plenty of bad things too. No one wants to acknowledge that though. They just want all the nice shit.
After AI gets control the human race may have more problems to worry about.
I'm not concerned with the human race. There was a time when humans did not exist. And everything seemed to be doing just fine.
Being high is often associated with lethargy. I don't do drugs, alcohol or any other narcotics. I'd ban the lot if I had the power. Ever heard of Temperance? Its a Christian virtue.

Christians persecuted Science, not the otherway around bucko. You're thinking of the Romans. Modern Christians now protect science against those who would destroy it, unless you want to join ISIS in their crusade against Science...

I rather want humanity to continue. You could say I have a vested interest.

Science is not perfect but I'd rather have a Doctor than a Priest when I have an illness.

Jesus doesn't save the body, only our souls, and I rather like being alive thank you.

On the topic of Jesus, Jesus would have given all his money to the poor. Tell me, how much money do YOU have? At the very least you should be making significant donations like I do. Afterall Jesus said it is as easy for a rich man to enter heaven as it is a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

There were no intelligent humanoids like us before us. We are unique.

If you want to destroy your own species you are guilty of Sloth and Jesus would be ashamed of you. The original sin of Sloth meant a lack of appreciation of Gods Creation. Humanity and the Earth is God's Creation so not protecting it or appreciating it is a sin, Sloth.

So no bullets were used to shoot Christians? No gas for the Jews? Made by scientists. Scientist are responsible for more ills on the world than any other group of people.Plastic ring a bell? Scientists.
You know Jesus was a Jew? So there is no such thing as Christianity right? There are only Jews who believe he was God. Or not.
"Being high is often associated with lethargy. I don't do drugs, alcohol or any other narcotics. I'd ban the lot if I had the power. Ever heard of Temperance? Its a Christian virtue."

Jesus made wine for the people to drink. Now why would Jesus want to alter your state? Seems like God was encouraging getting high. He made herb for the people to smoke. And wine to drink. I do not want you in power if I get cancer. Oxy is a godsend when getting chemo. Often associated with lethargy? Your stereo typing. And you are trying to apply that to me. For shame....

"On the topic of Jesus, Jesus would have given all his money to the poor. Tell me, how much money do YOU have? At the very least you should be making significant donations like I do. Afterall Jesus said it is as easy for a rich man to enter heaven as it is a camel to pass through the eye of a needle."

Right now I have about $400. Who should I give it all too? I gave $7000 last year to the charity that paid my rent while me and my 7 year old son were in Seattle getting his radiation chemotherapy and brain surgery. I live in a travel trailer again with my family because I cannot afford otherwise now. The good Christians only offered my son prayers no money! Now the foundation that helped us. They gave freely. And when given the opportunity to give back to fellow cancer parents I have. All while being poor.

The world does not need saving. You do. Better start praying..... You only been here since 2-17-2020 you have way more likes than I and I been here since 2008. You talk about sloth? How much time you putting in here?
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Being high is often associated with lethargy. I don't do drugs, alcohol or any other narcotics. I'd ban the lot if I had the power. Ever heard of Temperance? Its a Christian virtue.
nope. . you will find many things thought of as "christian" have nothing to do with being a disciple of Jesus. . The church has been used for political power and other issues that are not from the teachings of Jesus, but the earthly goals of man.
things like homosexuality, abortion, alcohol. . if you listen to Jesus, cue the crickets, because he didn't care about them. .
Whelp, tried to out crazy the crazy. Didn't work.


I'll go back to the people I can have rational debate with.
Whelp, tried to out crazy the crazy. Didn't work.


I'll go back to the people I can have rational debate with.
So now I'm crazy? How do you know anything about my sons cancer? You should Change your forum name to blanket.
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Whelp, tried to out crazy the crazy. Didn't work.


I'll go back to the people I can have rational debate with.

As I stated before. The human race is the problem. The only way to fix the problem is to eliminate the amount of human beings on the planet. Whether it happens by nature disease or force, the population will have to shrink to a level that will not continue to destroy the biosphere we all inhabit.

Part of my first post was tongue in cheek. You do not know me. So you obviously would do what you did in your responses. I been having fun with you. But you don't seem to have a sense of humor. And seem to like using blanket generalizations to excuse my arguments as crazy. I'm legit. I don't hide behind a screen name. My name is Erick Fromm. And you are who?
Yes, but the solution is not to buy more eco-friendly garbage and become more of a high-strung martyr. Fear and social pressure are consumerism’s best friends.
Yes, but the solution is not to buy more eco-friendly garbage and become more of a high-strung martyr. Fear and social pressure are consumerism’s best friends.

Yes but the problem is the issues are not visible on a normal time scale.

People can see a tornado incoming days/weeks before. Climate change is YEARS before to there isn't the sense of urgency. That's the real issue, for too long people didn't take it seriously. Still don't.

Private sector is good for businesses but terrible for emergencies and crisis, its not designed to cope with that. This is the rare instance where government intervention becomes necessary because consumerism isn't geared around protecting as many lives as possible, its about profit. Profit and Capitalism doesn't care about people's lives or survival because its not supposed to (and rightly so), that is what government is for.

Also see current Coronoavirus crisis and the massive government intervention there.
Yes but the problem is the issues are not visible on a normal time scale.

People can see a tornado incoming days/weeks before. Climate change is YEARS before to there isn't the sense of urgency. That's the real issue, for too long people didn't take it seriously. Still don't.

Private sector is good for businesses but terrible for emergencies and crisis, its not designed to cope with that. This is the rare instance where government intervention becomes necessary because consumerism isn't geared around protecting as many lives as possible, its about profit. Profit and Capitalism doesn't care about people's lives or survival because its not supposed to (and rightly so), that is what government is for.

Also see current Coronoavirus crisis and the massive government intervention there.
Ok. I agree, but what exactly do you think “taking it seriously” entails, in a practical sense?
Ok. I agree, but what exactly do you think “taking it seriously” entails, in a practical sense?

End government subsidies for the oil and coal industry. Create a plan to close all oil, coal and gas stations by 2050, subsitute with Nuclear and Green energies (I'm a big supporter of Nuclear power). More investment in Thorium and Fission power generation. Also support and encourage solar panels on every house roof, let every American (or Briton/European etc.) generate part of their own electricity. Its green, helps power then national grid, and also means in an emergency is the power is cut people can still use a small but of their own electricity to keep things running like the fridge.

In this day and age there is no reason for the power grid to be so centralised.

Problem is far too many of the Climate Protest Groups don't support nuclear which is silly. Its a great bridge technology.

Also invest in Geo Engineering. Afrticial cloud cover to lower the tempature of the Earth if we need it, as white clouds and ice reflect heat back into space. With less ice we need more clouds.

Also Carbon capture technology.

Have all cars on the road be electric by 2040/2050. Build the infrastructure needed to support that.

Its all doable but we need people to actually bloody do it. And stop listening to the deniers that say we should carry on as normal without changing anything/
Ok. How? Lol

What can actually be done on a consumer/civilian level?

Vote in governments who don't think climate change is a hoax for a start.

Invest in stocks and shares in companies developing Green technologies.

Buy solar panels for the house despite the cost (Yes its a cost but if can be afforded, its worth doing).

If possible buy an electric car.

Petition local politicians to provide more chariging stations for electric cars.

Politicians care about the next vote so pressure on MPs/Congressmen/Senators about how this matters does make a difference. If a politician recieves a thousands letters all saying to the effect of "We care about climate change and we won't vote for you unless you do something." Would have an effect. Sadly most people don't bother but people d have power if they bother to sit up and do something.

But even if you don't do that, avoiding (where possible) putting money into oil and coal and putting it into Green does help. Every little helps.

Also don't travel to countiries for holidays that aren't meeting their obligations to the Paris accord. Tourist money is worth a lot so if everyone stopped visiting countries that aren't going green it would hurt.

If people did this stuff en-mass it would be amazing. Its convincing people to actually do it which is the hard part. But every little helps.