Clinton vs Trump, Trump vs Clinton


I'll have a bottled cold water, please.
Loyal to the bitter end.

This is just one to make us think...
Trump is starting to be called "The Great unifier. " I admit its a little questionable however... when you compare him to the great divider Obama, I suppose he must look like a unifier.
I'm just hoping America does not put the hillster in charge just for the sake of having the very first woman president. "progress" for the sake of progress is ridiculous, but it seems like we have to do things that way now. put a PC principle first over common sense and choosing the best qualified human for the job.

(this next bit is irrelevant ...but, I also just don't want to have to listen to that grating yelling harpy over the next couple years. yikes. one word from her is enough to make me reach for the mute button and feel all uppity and anxious.)
Sarah Palin would have made an astronomically better choice for President than Hiliary ever could or would. Not that I would have been happy with her running though. I would be happy if Rice ran though.
Sarah Palin would have made an astronomically better choice for President than Hiliary ever could or would.

This is quite possibility the most ridiculous statement I have ever read on the Internet. Usually I would just let a statement like this go into the oblivion of cyberspace, but the sheer temerity of this statement has compelled me to respond. I am shocked that any sane person could possibly post this, and mortified for the future of America, a once great nation, that is surely doomed if even a fraction of the American population actually believes this to be true.

Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia

O tempora o mores
Have been listening to recent Trump speeches and I have to say I am feeling better about our next President. Its still about lesser of evils but as the days go on the lesser evil is becoming lesser.
Trump is a successful business man and I have always thought America could benefit from having someone in office who brings that perspective to the economy.
I hate the decrepit old whore who is Hillary Clinton. I cannot lie. Hate, abhor, am disgusted. Yup, there I said. Wish I could like Trump instead, but it is all so damn ridiculous. I may vote independent, I may even vote for Trump. But I am not voting for Clinton. Just so you don't get the impression that I am enamored by Trump, here is he is trying to dance at a Black church in my home city Detroit:
Not voting for Trump is a vote for Clinton.
I'm voting for Trump, and would GLADLY write his speeches.:persevere::sunglasses:
When I see this clip, where Hillary is accused of staging a full arena,

I cannot help but to think of Wag the Dog.

What about Trump is he also faking crowds? I know that he is faking his competence of being a successful businessman. His financial success is based on fraudulent corporate adventures.
No, he's not faking the crowds. I got curious and went to a Trump rally in MA (solid blue state here). Packed house, lines around the block. I believe he'll win the popular vote, though not electoral.
Remember those leaks from the DNC that the media only gave you a few sentences about the contents of and then blamed the Russians?
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