He comes off to me as a used car salesman...will tell you anything to make his sales pitch.
It seems that many people fall for such tactics hook, line, and sinker.
I’m still waiting to see his taxes...or lack thereof.
He is the epitome of what is wrong with the tax codes and bankruptcy laws written to protect the rich.
The loopholes available to them, but not the general public.
The estimated $21 Trillion that companies and the rich have hidden in offshore bank accounts that don’t pay for roads, schools, infrastructure of any kind...then we end up with whole cities poisoned by leaded water and they still haven’t gotten a real response from Congress.
But money is after all, free speech here in Murica apparently.
We’re all serfs.
Welcome to serfdom.
Bow to the douche with the most money...let the rich bourgeoisie make the laws that benefit them and their rich friends all while the working/middle/poor class pays for it all...most living paycheck to paycheck and in debt up to their eyeballs.
Saving for retirement?
People have to have extra money to save.
So unless Trump is going to raise the minimum wage - which he isn’t...unless he is going to make Walmart pay it’s workers enough the rest of us don’t have to subsidize them with food stamps to the tune of $6.2 billion annually -
All while making record profits year after year.
Just an example...not sure Hillary is going to do much to reign in the banks and bullshit artists any more than he will.
I think the first order of business needs to be the removal of money from politics...they are not representative of those they are supposed to be representing, they are perpetually campaigning and that means constantly whoring themselves out to those with the funds.