- INfJ
- Enneagram
- 4w5 sp/so
Cognitive ProcessLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)extraverted Sensing (Se) ******** (8.8)
unusedintroverted Sensing (Si) **************************** (28.2)
average useextraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************************* (33.4)
good useintroverted Intuiting (Ni) ***************************************** (41.5)
excellent useextraverted Thinking (Te) ******************************** (32.4)
good useintroverted Thinking (Ti) ********************************** (34.2)
good useextraverted Feeling (Fe) ********************************* (33.3)
good useintroverted Feeling (Fi) ***************************** (29)
average useSummary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INFJ
If these results are different from what you know of yourself, you might consider why your developmental pattern does not align with your expectation. You might also consider exploring this result as a possible better fit.
The Four Temperaments
Corresponding best-fit temperaments based on your profile: Theorist; secondly Catalyst; then Stabilizer; and lastly, Improviser.
unusedintroverted Sensing (Si) **************************** (28.2)
average useextraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************************* (33.4)
good useintroverted Intuiting (Ni) ***************************************** (41.5)
excellent useextraverted Thinking (Te) ******************************** (32.4)
good useintroverted Thinking (Ti) ********************************** (34.2)
good useextraverted Feeling (Fe) ********************************* (33.3)
good useintroverted Feeling (Fi) ***************************** (29)
average useSummary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INFJ
Lead (Dominant) Process
Introverted Intuiting (Ni): Transforming with a meta-perspective. Withdrawing from the world and focusing your mind to receive an insight or realization. Checking if synergy results. Trying out a realization to transform things.
Support (Auxilliary) Process
Extraverted Feeling (Fe): Building trust through giving relationships. Empathically responding to others' needs and take on their needs and values as your own. Checking for respect and trust. Giving and receiving support to grow closer to people.
If these cognitive processes don't fit well then consider these types: ENFJ, or INTJIntroverted Intuiting (Ni): Transforming with a meta-perspective. Withdrawing from the world and focusing your mind to receive an insight or realization. Checking if synergy results. Trying out a realization to transform things.
Support (Auxilliary) Process
Extraverted Feeling (Fe): Building trust through giving relationships. Empathically responding to others' needs and take on their needs and values as your own. Checking for respect and trust. Giving and receiving support to grow closer to people.
If these results are different from what you know of yourself, you might consider why your developmental pattern does not align with your expectation. You might also consider exploring this result as a possible better fit.
The Four Temperaments
Corresponding best-fit temperaments based on your profile: Theorist; secondly Catalyst; then Stabilizer; and lastly, Improviser.