Come travel with me - where do you want to go?


Well-known member
I am flying (first class) to France. To see the Louvre. Stay in a 400 year old chalet on the French Riviera (which is haunted by the way). Eat fabulous French food (not cooked by me out of Julia Child's cookbook). I'll continue later...

How about you. Where are you traveling to?
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Are you really doing those things???

Europe is really nice but so so so so expensive
I am flying (first class) to France. To see the Louvre. Stay in a 400 year old chalet on the French Riviera (which is haunted by the way). Eat fabulous French food (not cooked by me out of Julia Child's cookbook). I'll continue later...

How about you. Where are you traveling to?

Sounds fantastic!I would love to stay in a 400 year old haunted chalet.

I want to go everwhere in the world, but the first places on my list are the UK, France, Belgium and Iceland. I want to go to the UK and see a real pub, one that has been used by people for centuries. I want to touch the walls and feel all the people that have been there, drink a warm beer (gross) and eat a pub meal. I want to see castles and Stonehenge. Ive always had dreams about that region.
I am flying (first class) to France. To see the Louvre. Stay in a 400 year old chalet on the French Riviera (which is haunted by the way). Eat fabulous French food (not cooked by me out of Julia Child's cookbook). I'll continue later...

You just described my dream vacation. I've heard so much about the South of France. Would love to go there.

Sounds fantastic!I would love to stay in a 400 year old haunted chalet.

I want to go everwhere in the world, but the first places on my list are the UK, France, Belgium and Iceland. I want to go to the UK and see a real pub, one that has been used by people for centuries. I want to touch the walls and feel all the people that have been there, drink a warm beer (gross) and eat a pub meal. I want to see castles and Stonehenge. Ive always had dreams about that region.

And this^^^. I was just thinking about this today how it would be awesome to go to an Irish or Scottish pub. I hear they're very different from the bars or pubs in the US. They are more family oriented or there is more variety of people who eat at the pubs.
This is all hypothetical. It's where I/we wish we were traveling too. I WISH it were real!!! Maybe someday!
I want to go everwhere in the world, but the first places on my list are the UK, France, Belgium and Iceland. I want to go to the UK and see a real pub, one that has been used by people for centuries. I want to touch the walls and feel all the people that have been there, drink a warm beer (gross) and eat a pub meal. I want to see castles and Stonehenge. Ive always had dreams about that region.

The UK, Belgium, and France I can understand. But Iceland? Seeing castles - yeah cool.
I was just thinking about this today how it would be awesome to go to an Irish or Scottish pub. I hear they're very different from the bars or pubs in the US. They are more family oriented or there is more variety of people who eat at the pubs.

Ahhhh, Ireland - NICE. How would you get there. Fly? Boat?
Are you really doing those things???

Europe is really nice but so so so so expensive…

My favorite area of the world (so far) has to be Southeast Asia-- it's cheap, it's mostly safe, it's friendly, and it's exciting. The people are awesome and the food is incredible… and the diving is a huge huge huge part of it too. I'd like to see South America at some point but I don't think I'd be unhappy if I spent the rest of my vacations in SE Asia… I'm going to retire there!

PS: Is this thread in the right forum? :)

We are mind traveling in this thread. Sorry I should have been more clear. Travel to the moon, jupiter, another galaxy perhaps. Southeast Asia - fascinating culture. I'll have to add that to my list. Any place in particular in Southeast Asia or the whole region - YAY.

I have no idea if this thread is in the right place - I didn't know where else to put it. I got the idea from [MENTION=4956]Asarya[/MENTION] when she said something about traveling together. Happy trails!!
I want to go to the UK and see a real pub, one that has been used by people for centuries. I want to touch the walls and feel all the people that have been there, drink a warm beer (gross) and eat a pub meal.

Hey…. when I went to London this place was pretty great:

It's in an underground cave (right in the city!), you sit at these candlelit tables, and they have a lot of cheese… really freakin' good cheese.
We are mind traveling in this thread. Sorry I should have been more clear. Travel to the moon, jupiter, another galaxy perhaps.

In that case, I'd definitely go to Titan… orbiting Saturn would be incredible. But if I was a space vampire and the technology was available then I would probably terraform Venus and make it into a utopian planet that I would probably have to defend from the human invasion.
Ahhhh, Ireland - NICE. How would you get there. Fly? Boat?


for a while, ive been planning to travel either tamriel (planet nirn) or galaxy milky way, dimension mass effect. but then.. i would have to save the galaxy first if i chose to travel into that dimension.. which im not equipped for.

and i diid travel to nirn, but out of luck.. i ended up in some random lake at morrowind, when i wasnt even wearing a shirt.. and my pants, got wet and without any means for self defence in such an alien world, i quickly returned to planet earth after getting out of the lake.

thus my two travel locations are.. far too dangerous, have to keep thinking for more suitable options.
traveling into future seems a great choice, i could meet a real sangheili then!
although, i do trust master chief would save the galaxy, i doubt they would let citizens of humanity meet our allies, sangheili.......
if the prophecies of halo games are to be believed.

and these decades on earth doesnt really seem any safer than those three options..
for a while, ive been planning to travel either tamriel (planet nirn) or galaxy milky way, dimension mass effect. but then.. i would have to save the galaxy first if i chose to travel into that dimension.. which im not equipped for.

and i diid travel to nirn, but out of luck.. i ended up in some random lake at morrowind, when i wasnt even wearing a shirt.. and my pants, got wet and without any means for self defence in such an alien world, i quickly returned to planet earth after getting out of the lake.

thus my two travel locations are.. far too dangerous, have to keep thinking for more suitable options.
traveling into future seems a great choice, i could meet a real sangheili then!
although, i do trust master chief would save the galaxy, i doubt they would let citizens of humanity meet our allies, sangheili.......
if the prophecies of halo games are to be believed.

and these decades on earth doesnt really seem any safer than those three options..

Time travel - the ultimate travel. Way cool. I would get in my pod that was equipped to jet around the universe and pack it full of oreos and red wine.
The UK, Belgium, and France I can understand. But Iceland? Seeing castles - yeah cool.

Iceland intrigues me. The landscape is so different to anything Ive seen or experienced. Apperantly is a very developed country with a fantasticaly designed city and great culture. It seems like a mysterious place and very close to the creative and transformic energy of the Earth, what with all the geological activity. My friend and I decided to go on a holiday together at the end of this year, and I randomly chose Iceland, he went with it- so Im sold. Plus its a safe country to travel to with my young daughter.

for a while, ive been planning to travel either tamriel (planet nirn) or galaxy milky way, dimension mass effect. but then.. i would have to save the galaxy first if i chose to travel into that dimension.. which im not equipped for.

I'm not completely sure why but for me it always seems so much more exciting and appealing to travel within our solar system than to travel really epic and massive distances... maybe because it seems more likely.

I think that it would be pretty epic to see Mars from the peak of Olympus Mons... but I think that it would probably take an extremely long time and I'm not so sure that I'd want to be away from Earth for that long.
I'm not completely sure why but for me it always seems so much more exciting and appealing to travel within our solar system than to travel really epic and massive distances... maybe because it seems more likely.

I think that it would be pretty epic to see Mars from the peak of Olympus Mons... but I think that it would probably take an extremely long time and I'm not so sure that I'd want to be away from Earth for that long.

i too have a flare of realisticity.
though yours seems more bound by what we are actually capable as specie, mine is what im actually capable of as an individual.
thus, mars? well, i would find it pretty pointless to go visit a planet of dust. unless theres aliens to meet or an unearthly culture, im out.

the reason: visiting a place is like.. well, theres the physical feelings and the rest is only visual. then im just like, OOOHH, after two seconds, yeah.. i guess that wasnt worht it... =( ..
has made me doubt if i even have Se.
have noticed IN_J's can enjoy their Se quite a lot, even though the last of four.
in a sense of enjoying something not you, liek a place, food, .. i cant, i cant enjoy food, i cant enjoy being at a place. i can enjoy singing, but thats where it ends. and voice acting, though its the same thing, voice art.

and istp's, they can get those sensations from watching sports.
i struggle enjoying my favourite tv shows.. its a mental struggle. trying to allow myself be absorbed into it.
its something i have to psyche myself to, and hope i wont derail myself from it with whatever pops into my mind.

i suppose, ive always had kind of realistic attitude to imaginations.
people have "places" in dreams, but ive always considered it as illusion of something new/nothing to do with reality by unconsciously mashing old data with new on the moment created ones to make new by mixing thousand old ones. (while in real, in dreams theres only one place, which is the room you project your surroundings to.)
guess i consider zero significance as to the "place", since i consider imagination to exist in a static one room infinite projection way.
thus i too am only one body infinite projections around me by my 5 senses, thus places hold no significance.
(maybe this actually is the perfect attitude for living in mars, since its a closed never changing environment youd live a whole life in.)

could you explain how you can see significance in places?

also to my own post you quoted: sci fiction is nice, but add even a bit of realisticity in it and puff, as boring as real life.
by which i mean, no beautiful crafts, just boring UFO's, no any equality in interspecie communication, just boring humans and aliens far superior to us.
and any warfare element would be out of question, that'd mean spot and shoot, in which one with higher technology is instantly a winner without competition.
by which i mean, realistic sci-fi would be extremely boring, if you really contemplate how it would work out in reality.
making it seem such isnt bad though.
thus my quest to travel into fictional worlds is not out of epicness, but rather for them being by afar more interesting han our reality unless we achieve some infinite matrix creation simulation stage to be all that and more.

in other words, suddenly my travel locations seem very realistic, if only humanity survives through our self destructive period.
also to my own post you quoted: sci fiction is nice, but add even a bit of realisticity in it and puff, as boring as real life.
by which i mean, no beautiful crafts, just boring UFO's, no any equality in interspecie communication, just boring humans and aliens far superior to us.
and any warfare element would be out of question, that'd mean spot and shoot, in which one with higher technology is instantly a winner without competition.
by which i mean, realistic sci-fi would be extremely boring, if you really contemplate how it would work out in reality.
making it seem such isnt bad though.
thus my quest to travel into fictional worlds is not out of epicness, but rather for them being by afar more interesting han our reality unless we achieve some infinite matrix creation simulation stage to be all that and more.

in other words, suddenly my travel locations seem very realistic, if only humanity survives through our self destructive period.

I think it's a matter of personal choice… a lot of the more flamboyant sci-fi or space operas or swashbuckling space adventures aren't really even about travel or space… a lot of them really don't even have to be set in space, and the only thing that makes them sci-fi is their surroundings-- Star Wars is a good example of that. It wouldn't really matter if it was a Western or if it were about knights or Romans or wizards or elves or WWII or whatever… the point is the fighting and/or emotional conflicts… not making discoveries or pushing the limits.

In order to get to the new and far off places, there are massive amounts of distance to cover where there's nothing and you're sort of stuck in a floating tin can with nowhere to go… if it doesn't take a long time and make you uncomfortable and require a sacrifice, then chances are it's not something that's even really worth going to because it's not like you're actually discovering anything new. Real adventurers push themselves and do things that are hard and ugly in order to make their discoveries.

Which is why I think real space travel would be super-boring and incredibly slow-- like you'd spend a year with nothing to look at except the stars and maybe Neptune this slowly growing pinprick in the distance, and you spend about a week or so passing Neptune and that breaks up the monotony for a bit before there's more nothingness. It sounds like agony, but to me it's exciting because it makes space travel seem like something I can actually identify with and ground in my own experiences instead of just fantasizing or dreaming about it.

My favorite sci-fi films are 2001, Solaris (Tarkovsky, but Soderberg isn't bad) and Sunshine… all three of them show space travel as kind of grungy, desperate, psychologically taxing, and almost always extremely slow. I think that's excellent because it gives you a better sense of just how massive these distances are, which just clicks with me because I fly around quite a bit (well, maybe 4 times a year) and relating it to that experience kind of helps me get into the story more… if you've ever taken a 12 hour flight in economy class, you'll know that no matter how awesome the destination is, the actual travel can get pretty grueling.

And yeah, I've always kind of been attracted to harsh environments… there's this fantastic book called 'The Worst Journey In The World' about an expedition to Antarctica in the early 20th century… and Antarctica is probably as close as you can get to another planet… and the extremes that the author describes are so incredible and so intense that it just seems like one of the most fascinating places ever… but I'm actually kind of afraid to go there because there's something about that part of the world that just really freaks me out.

But I'd much rather go to a place that was really eerie or slightly dangerous or even a little desolate than say, Rome or Paris, where you can be really comfortable. Maybe when I'm older I'll want to do that more, though.
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