Being gay isn't an identity. Is being straight an identity? Is a sexuality suddenly more important if it's rarer?
It's ridiculous. Each is his own person. Hell, join a club on the basis of your hobbies, your habits or your history, but not on your sexuality. It's not a choice, it reflects so very little of that person.
Human grouping is disgusting.
Hahahaha, I think I understand where you're going. You have a good point. Still, you do understand where the other parties are coming from, no? Thus, I'm not commenting on your choice of belief.

I do ponder, what consists a 'coming out' to you?
Thats like saying your hair or skin colour is an identity.
two words; dumb blonde. :| the fiery redhead. *not to say it's -good-, but it has been done.*
It doesn't define a persons personality or outlook on life.
Oh, it does.

Subtly, but it does. An asexual would never bother too much of this because they have little matter to them. So would bisexuals and pansexuals -- for norms aside, they are all inclusive (pansexuals more). Heterosexual are saved by the social norms.
But a homosexual ; they have all the judgments upon them. what would/should they do, to -not- offend people (what if they're repulsive towards homosexuals? What if they caused me wrong, reject me, hurt me, ruined my life, destroyed what I am as a person?)
Really, you never felt that way, or thought about that?
AAARGH I went totally OOT.
As for questions....
Hmm. From Melkor's beliefs I've come with these little things:
To those who've come out, do you ever regret doing so? To those who haven't, will you regret it?
If you can retract your coming out, or ran back into the closet, would you want to?
Whom do you want to know about this? (who are your target of coming out)? Why? On what basis?
Lastly, How important were this to you?
For it's really the best for people to measure their own importance of coming out. Melkor had, and I admire him for it.
From my own personal;
What would you do after coming out?
What's the worst you've imagined after that? What's the best?