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You're still very idealistic. And that's not a bad thing.Believe it or not, I have calmed down since my twenties in terms of vocalizing and letting my fairness level effect me...perhaps I have grown apathetic...certainly have been more realistic about my power to change anything as one person. IDK, life has beat me down somewhat...I know I am more cynical.
Or think of a better design. Sure, millions tried but it doesn't harm to play more what-ifsAnd yes, I am very aware of the minority being stepped on...what to do? You just have to except that it is shit...and try to work with the power you have, which isn't much.

You don't have to think about it as shit, BTW. As far as I'm concerned, it's a reverse side of competition. Yes, people are trying to grab power and exploit each other, but it's the same urge that pushes us to discover and expand boundaries. We are not fallen angels, we are ascended apes. If we had the harmony and absolute collectivism like in an ant colony, we would've stayed ants.
My guess here is as good as yours, but my answers would be yes to the first question ("write its own software") within limits, and probably no to the second. Why no - because reaching consciousness is not a bug, it is something that has to be painstakingly constructed, and I don't see who would work on that. Already today you have structures which work in a way somewhat similar to that of living creatures (e.g. so called neural networks). But it's still completely different.And IDK, I feel somehow that as the computing power grows, the problems with software will work itself out...will the computers reach a point to write it's own software? Will there be a Zero point where self-awareness is reached?
One of my favourite topics, BTW. I always compare it to the history of aviation. Do you have to emulate a bird to enable flight? Probably not, you just need the functionality. That said, the pioneers of aviation did put much effort into scrutinising real birds, as a use case.
The hunger is more of an economic problem, the diseases is kind of an umbrella term, it's not one problem but many. I'm sure that the computing power will help with both, yes.I know that is a bit sci-fi-ish, but why not? We still to this day do not understand how the neurons in the human mind our consciousness because of our wiring or is it because we have a "soul"? I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens in the next decade or so. Anyhow, I don't know what would happen if we had at our disposal a computer that was able to tell you how to solve world hunger ( step one...), or what would happen to the population if the major diseases of the world were cured?
Yes, this is something I agree with. Impartial perspective will have to open eyes. It's a question how it can be reached.That is why I say it will be a "renaissance", because we as humans are going to either blatantly ignore the recommendations given to us and continue to destroy ourselves and our planet or the way we think will have to drastically change, and then, maybe, perhaps, we will reach a point to where mankind CAN actually work together as one species without trying to gain the most power via the destruction of his neighbor.
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