Conflict with ENTPs

Meditate on the ideas of Thoreau, Gandhi and other pacifists who nevertheless suffered no fools. Then, go outside and head for verdancy.

Appreciating your quote the more I self reflect.
Will come back to this topic once I weed out the bs and experiment a bit.
Appreciating your quote the more I self reflect.
Will come back to this topic once I weed out the bs and experiment a bit.
Great! I look forward to hearing more.

It's a confusing world out there. Sometimes it's helpful to become spatially aware and readjust your proximity to it.

I remember hearing an old Chinese story that I thought was profound. It was something like: the wise person keeps a distance from the fire; the fool rushes in, gets burned then scampers into solitude wherein he/she wallows and suffers stupidly. I got in a lot of trouble as a kid. I can't respond to the world the same way now that I'm a man.

Sorry for using a 50-cent word, but "appropinquity" is a mantra that I've found helpful.

Bonne chance!
I remember hearing an old Chinese story that I thought was profound. It was something like: the wise person keeps a distance from the fire; the fool rushes in, gets burned then scampers into solitude wherein he/she wallows and suffers stupidly. I got in a lot of trouble as a kid. I can't respond to the world the same way now that I'm a man.

very true. Thank you for sharing.