Community Member
I agree with this.
People are often afraid of me because I ask questions. Something about challenging people's beliefs by suggesting alternative possibilities is very threatening to them. It's much easier for them to make fun of the questions and questioner than it is to be open minded and invest the cognitive effort into exploring the possibilities.
EXCATLY!!! Its so much easier to except something with what the masses do or say. and its SO anooying to me when people do JUSt that.
It is not open minded to assert theories divorced from extant scientific data. That is, there has to be some basis for an asserted opinion. There are no data supporting the remote propagation of "brain waves" as far as I know. If you know otherwise, citations? Don't confuse "open minded" with decidedly uncritical thinking.
I Really liked the way you put that. And no- i have no citations of such tings...but if there were...who would belive it? Who would not be among those who say "people are gunna believe what they want or hear what they wanna hear?" Citations, proof, all that-thats my probem here. that people ONLy except the answers they hear! and from Scientist at that! and only scientist!...so annoying...
This is exactly how we got where we are now, by the use of the scientific method and critical thinking. Hypotheses derive from observation and previously established knowledge. Then they are tested by experiment and the results are incorporated into and integrated with established canon. If you think that brain waves propagate outside the brain, propose a mechanism and prove it. In the meantime, if you're interested, read about neurophysiology. If you're not interested, read science fiction.
no no no no no! your not hearing me!
EVerything SINGLE thing from your paragraph above is completely based off of science. but why is Science the ONLY way to believe something?????
Why has Science become Some Religion!!!
Either you believe What "Scientist" Tell you, or your laughed at!
It pisses me off that that guy said my ideas are laughable NOT becuase i took it disrespectful but because he doesnt hear himself! but is DAMN quick to laugh at my ideas! And why? Becuase i dont believe that "Scientist" know or have EVERY possible Tool to prove something? That sounds obsurd! To say that scientist could prove what could be a freaking miracle to be wrong only becuae their "TOOLS!" didnt or CANt prove it!- makes me vey mad! once again...I dont like how people think were so great now and have reached our full potential. Theres too much of that. Too much. We need to realaize that there ARe things we dont know- or may not be able to prove bcuz we ARE NOT all mighty!