Cool bands made uncool

I can't stand emo bands that pass themselves off as punk. I'd love to see this lot perform as a cover for Sex Pistols in the 70's. You know... if they were able to walk off the stage without broken bones from sid, that'd be amazing.

Sex Pistols, i'm not too fond of them myself, but i know that they were a damn good band.

MCR could only pray to be on the same level.
pfft, they could only hope not to get glassed by sid vicious or his fans.
There are no real punk bands these days.
LOL! All of these are awesome! I'm psyched this thread made it this far...

Keep 'em coming! :)
Haha, Travo7:

The Rambunctious Boys.

Ben Folds Origami
The Mighty Mighty Ringtones
Almond Brothers Band
Rapid Eye Movement
Sound Servants
Bob Marley and the Whalers (although how could any band with Marley be uncool?)
Bowling with Soup
Silent Uprising
Links of Pork