Corrupt the Quote Above You

Finally, the truth!!!

*reads "Justs the Tip" and realize that it is never just the tip*

My heart is broken
I'm so relieved hush hasn't been remiss in her duties as The Breaker of B0n3rz on our beloved forum, it'd be catastrophic if all that wood were left to grow unchecked...

*nods gravely and tips her hat*

I do what I can, Madame, I do what I can.
Screw you, pleb!

*Googles a reasonable amount of appropriate and kid-friendly anecdotes to share with the community*

Such an upstanding citizen you are! :hearteyes:

And yes, I admit to my pleb ways... :s

There are some mysteries in life that unfortunately must remain exactly that - mysteries. Nothing more, nothing less. :pensive:

and this thread definitely doesn't keep making splutter one moment, then break out into a fit of giggles the next, with an emphasis on the giggling... a Stu-thread could not hold such sway over me.
There are some mysteries in life that fortunately don't make me pant. I want more, and nothing less than that. :smirk:

@hush is a hack, enrapturing my intestines with the big D like no other

Perhaps a little Imodium is in order...
Please be my guest, just do not wear spikey heels
This is the perfect game for @Stu! He's in his element here!:tonguewink:
Sorry crap I broke the rules!
..Anyway, your all too clever for me, I'm going to come back later!
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