Could use some help interpreting Enneagram results


Community Member
the site:

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||| 34%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 3 Image Focus |||| 14%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||||||| 58%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||| 46%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||| 30%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||| 66%

type score type behavior motivation
4 17 I must be unique/different to survive.
5 17 I must be knowledgeable to survive.
2 16 I must be helpful and caring to survive.
9 16 I must maintain peace/calm to survive.
6 14 I must be secure and safe to survive.
7 11 I must be fun and entertained to survive.
1 8 I must be perfect and good to survive.
8 7 I must be strong and in control to survive.
3 3 I must be impressive and attractive to survive.

Your main type is Type 5
Your variant stacking is sp/sx/so
Your level of health is above average

I see I have two types with the same score on top - and the same for the third and fourth.
What exactly should I make of this?
Any and all help is appreciated! Or if you know a better test leave the link here and I will post my results

thank you :)

EDIT: from

The Distribution of Your Scores

Type One: 10
Type Two: 37
Type Three: 23
Type Four: 24
Type Five: 31
Type Six: 27
Type Seven: 25
Type Eight: 3
Type Nine: 35
Your probable Enneagram Type

Your main type is 2.
Considering the wings you should be a 2w3.
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If I am reading this correctly and, I think I am.... you apparently are the unborn son of satan. Now I am fairly confused in this because its difficult to be unborn and yet still post on a forum such as you seem to be doing. But, test results are what they are so there you have it...
If I am reading this correctly and, I think I am.... you apparently are the unborn son of satan. Now I am fairly confused in this because its difficult to be unborn and yet still post on a forum such as you seem to be doing. But, test results are what they are so there you have it...

oh thank you so much I was worried that these horns were unnatural. You have given me hope that people will understand and accept me.

(i am just kind of clueless with the whole Enneagram thing, didn't know it existed until I ended up on this site. I don't know what to make of results because I am literally clueless.
Maybe I should go research and read for a few hours)
No no. I should apologize. I happen to be I a good mood and... well cider goes down very easily. Sorry for hijacking your thread. Im sure someone will come along and give you profuse amounts of information to analyze at some point.
No no. I should apologize. I happen to be I a good mood and... well cider goes down very easily. Sorry for hijacking your thread. Im sure someone will come along and give you profuse amounts of information to analyze at some point.

I also like cider. Send some along if there is any left over. Definitely not hijacking - I enjoyed your unborn son of satan piece! It made me laugh and almost spit water on my screen. Don't worry about it
Honestly, i don't think it means much, took that test before, and it's not the best around. Tests aren't definitive at all, but try this, it's better imo:
I completed the first test they offer from the link you gave:

You are most likely a type 5.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 5w4.
Type 5 - 9.7
Type 9 - 9
Type 2 - 9
Type 4 - 6.7
Type 1 - 6.3
Type 7 - 5.7
Type 3 - 4.7

Wing 5w4 - 13.1
Wing 2w1 - 12.2
Wing 9w1 - 12.2
Wing 4w5 - 11.6
Wing 2w3 - 11.4
Wing 5w6 - 10.9
Wing 1w2 - 10.8
Wing 1w9 - 10.8
Wing 9w8 - 10.5
Wing 3w2 - 9.2
Wing 4w3 - 9.1
Wing 3w4 - 8.1
Wing 7w8 - 7.2
Wing 7w6 - 6.9


then i completed the second test with instinctual variants:

You are most likely a type 2 (the Helper) with 3 wing

Social variant

Type 2 SO
Type 9 SP
Type 3 SP
Type 1 SX
Type 7 SO
Type 8 SO
Type 6 SO
Type 4 SP
Type 5 SX
If you identify with E2 and E5 then i would recomend you to look for information regarding these two types. They are extremely different from each other. 2s are in the Heart Triad. They are focused on people, and helping others, mostly relational in nature. Their "sin" (It's not meant in a christian/guilt kind of way, it's just an emphasis on their motivation and behaviour) is pride, means that they want to feel special to other people because of how much they help them and love them.
E5s in the other hand are known to take a step back from the world, and specially people, they are in the Head Triad. Their sin is avarice, but that means that they are avaricious to themselves, because usually they will neglect the outer world and relationships to just stay on the abstract space of their minds. There's usually a detached or intellectual "air" to them.
What 2s and 5s have in common is that they are both "rejection" types, means that they both don't pay special attention to their necessities for the sake of feeling "useful". 2s do that by paying attention to other's necessities and not their own. 5s do that by using their over-using their intellects and staying there, in abstract space, without feeling the need to relate to others, nor practicalities, nor the world generally. They are usually said to be minimalists.

This is all very short, and kind of sketchy, but hope it helps.