Creativity and Cognitive Processes


Right the First Time!

The relief role often is how we express our creativity. It is how we are playful and childlike.

So apparently our Tertiary process is used to express our creativity, so for an ISFP like me we have Ni as our tertiary function so our “Aha!” or “That’s it!” moments come when we are creating something, like a painting or a song. So our creations might represent "symbolic or novel ways to understand things that are universal", think of the works of Mozart and Speilberg as good examples.

For INFJs their tertiary process is Ti, so this is probably why they often express their creativity with beautiful writing that uses "just the right words to clearly express an idea concisely, crisply, and to the point".
The relief role gives us a way to energize and recharge ourselves. It serves as a backup to the supporting role and often works in tandem with it. When we are younger, we might not engage in the process that plays this role very much unless our life circumstances require it or make it hard to use the supporting role process. Usually, in young adulthood we are attracted to activities that draw upon this process. The relief role often is how we express our creativity. It is how we are playful and childlike. In its most negative expression, this is how we become childish. Then it has an unsettling quality, and we can use this process to distract ourselves and others, getting us off target.

Hmm, this is interesting, how would this gel with Fi? I guess undeveloped Fi here would mean it appears non-existent. Stoopid inferior Fi! Would it involve being emotionally moved by art and such or seeing the deeper meaning? Does this explain why I hate pop-art?

An aside: Anyone want to trade their Ti for some useless Te? It's going cheap. I'd give you reasons why this is a good deal but I can't find the right words :mmph:
Well what/how do you like to create? Painting, writing, photography, designing, programming?

Maybe if you were to paint things that you value.
Well what/how do you like to create? Painting, writing, photography, designing, programming?

Maybe if you were to paint things that you value.

I like photography and theatre and such but as an enthusiast not participant. I'd say music is my creative release although I haven't written my own stuff since I was a kid.
According to this (the results of which I definitely personally agree with), I don't really use Ti much at all. (just gonna copy the second half of the results cause I already know I'm an INFJ lol)

Type Dynamics Results

Fi - 24
Ni - 24
Fe - 22
Si - 19
Ne - 16
Ti - 13
Se - 11
Te - 11

lol it's no wonder why I always suck at reacting to things happening quickly (low Se)...

"An active seeking of more and more input to get the whole picture may occur until all sources of input have been exhausted or something else captures our attention. Extraverted Sensing is operating when we freely follow exciting physical impulses or instincts as they come up and enjoy the thrill of action in the present moment."

Yeah...that's not me at all. I'm rather oblivious to things sometimes. I experience the "deer in headlights" effect quite a bit.
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I like photography and theatre and such but as an enthusiast not participant. I'd say music is my creative release although I haven't written my own stuff since I was a kid.

Well perhaps through music you express your innermost feelings and values, maybe ones you're not even aware of.
According to this

lol it's no wonder why I always suck at reacting to things happening quickly (low Se)...

"An active seeking of more and more input to get the whole picture may occur until all sources of input have been exhausted or something else captures our attention. Extraverted Sensing is operating when we freely follow exciting physical impulses or instincts as they come up and enjoy the thrill of action in the present moment."

Yeah...that's not me at all. I'm rather oblivious to things sometimes. I experience the "deer in headlights" effect quite a bit.

My ex was ESFJ. We always had conflicts over emergencies, especially with the children. My younger son was prone to high fever as an infant - an extremely common thing, but worth attention to make sure there was no sign of infection. I got home and she was freaking out. When I'm around people freaking out, my emergency button switches off and I calm down instantly, without any conscious effort. So when I told her to calm down because the other kids were freaking out from seeing her panicking, she accused me of being cold and uncaring toward my own child. I got him wrapped up, took him to the ER, where they confirmed his temp of 105. That's when I learned about alternating anti-fever meds, switching from acetaminaphen to ibuprofen. Once the kid's fever was down, I had my own small freak-out on the back porch. I don't know if other INFJs experience this but your post reminded me of delayed reaction to emergencies.
In an emergency my head is very clear and I'm able to 'hold it together'. Later on I find some release in solitude as you were saying.
It's terrible to call someone emotionless or uncaring just because they're willing to put off emotions in order to get things done. I've been called that myself and it breaks my heart but I try to shrug it off rather than explain because it just ends up taking people to another level of the rabbit hole.