Sarcasm? Who? Me?![]()
Lol, okay; I was definitely hoping it was. I was scared for a moment![]()
I think Zencat will get a laugh out of this.
Palin: a great influence on children.
Honestly, the way things are going, this election could lead to the next civil war if Obama wins. McCain supporters hate Obama as much as Obama supporters love him. And it just keeps getting more and more polarized.
There is also the historical precedent that Democrat presidencies have just been better for the economy.
From 1953 to 2006, average real GDP growth was 4.2 percent under Democrats and 2.8 percent under Republicans, said Benedikt Germanier, chief currency strategist in the U.S. at UBS AG in Stamford, Connecticut.
Stock prices have also tended to perform better under Democrats. Since 1900, the Dow Industrials have climbed 13.3 percent annually under Democrats versus just 7.1 percent under Republicans, Germanier said
If I'm understanding the "hate" of Obama correctly, it's because they assume he is a liberal and too far to the left (if I'm mistaken, please correct me).
There are a lot of reasons why a lot of people hate Obama...
1 The William Ayers connection: Obama, when he was chair of a Chicago educational committee, used to work with William Ayers, who perpetrated some terrorists actions in the 60s against the United States (when Obama was 7). This allows some people who are against Obama to suggest that he is a terrorist or has terrorist connections.
2. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac campaign contributions: Obama recieved over $120,000 of contributions from the mortgage giants whereas McCain only recieved $800 and McCain voted to add oversight to them a few years ago.
3. ACORN voter fraud association
4. The connection to Zbigniew Brzezinski who had associations with Hamas.
5. Accusations that he isn't a naturalized citizen of the United States.
Since John McCain refuses to release his medical records, the public has no way of knowing if there have been any developments in his cancer since his lymph node operation 8 years ago. There can be debilitating, incapacitating side effects of melanoma, as well as considerable risk of death, particularly in a man of his age.Melanoma can almost always be cured in its early stages. But it is likely to spread to other parts of the body if it is not caught early. Melanoma is much less common than basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers, but it is far more serious.
So we have a 72 year old man with cancer, less than 3 years from his gender/nationality life expectancy, who has nominated Sarah Palin as his deputy. As the one who will take control of this country in the event he is debilitated, incapacitated, or dies....the average American man lives 5.3 fewer years than does the average woman. In 2003, male life expectancy was 74.8 years. Female life expectancy was 80.1 years.
Ironic that you would say it. This guy has been creating and posting videos on youtube for awhile now where he argues the same thing.You realize anyone with Google who listens to half the airtime of NPR I do could could dismiss those and fill the space with five McCain/Palin "crimes" to take their place, right?
Man, don't you just love this country? Kid becomes a terrorist at age 7 and grows up to be the Democratic Nominee for President :attention:
It wouldn't be surprising for the rest of the world to see Palin in charge of the US, we've come to expect that sort of standard after two terms of Bush.