One of the striking things I do remember was when I was in high school the guidance counselor asked me where I planned on going to school/college. I named the place that I now work at. He asked me why I wanted to go and I said because I had never had the chance to be in an environment where the majority of the people were Native. He was like, "but that environment won't exist anywhere else". I was like, exactly! He didn't understand. I did end up going to the all Native university I spoke of and now years later, I ended up working here. Although the difficulties of the melding of so many different tribal nations plus government bureaucracy can be scream worthy at times, it has been a great honor to be near so many of the People, working at helping Native students become educated to make a difference for their various tribes. It is all sorts of neat and I feel very lucky, even during the most dysfunctional of days. I doubt outside a reservation, there would be such a gathering of Native people anywhere in the US. Plus, no where in the US would you find tribal members from across the United States in one place. It has been a remarkable journey here and I feel better for having been immersed in an environment where the majority of the people are Natives and the minority are non-Native. The respect for beliefs, norms and culture(s) is like a breath of fresh air. To not have to face the idiotic assumptions and down right ignorant or otherwise disrespectful words/actions of non-Natives inside the working environment has been wonderful. To not have anyone look askance if I choose to smoke out my office with cedar or spread tobacco around the perimeter of my office...I cannot express how it has been to been in such an environment.
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