Crossing the street


American trash
Whenever I cross a busy-ish street, I am very aware of the people in the cars. I don't look at them but just the fact that they're in there. I imagine them judging my crossing abilities. I tend to be quite cautious because I don't trust cars at all. I think that is because I don't expect people to be as observant of their surroundings as I am.

I imagine them saying stuff like "OMG she could totally cross right now, why doesn't she?? She must be stupid!". I also imagine them commenting on my apperance on days where I look like a hobo, ha.

What is this? Is it INFJ? Is it Fe?
I always get caught up in this, and so I cross the first half of the street really slowly. Just to look normal. But then, as I'm on the other side, I'm really close to the cars waiting at the light, and I feel like I'm being watched even closer, so I hurry and run the rest of the way.
AHHHHH it says steet. :(
Can you edit the name of a thread?
What is metaprogramming?

Thought patterns that lead to behavior that are created by oneself.

(As opposed to thought patterns that lead to behavior that are created by receipt of stimuli from others, which is programming.)

[Thread title spelling updated per request.]

Haha, nice thread but unfortunately one I cannot relate to.

I used to be shy making through the road but one of my first lesson of making myself more assertive was being purposeful in my every move - including crossing the street nevermind the rules. Bad thing is I know it really really upset drivers.

So for years now I kind of play a 'chicken game' every time I cross the road and a car is approaching me. It usually works - well all the time because obviously if it wouldn't I probably wouldn't write these word. I mean most of the time I 'win' the game but of course there are times when I stop and let the car go. So it usually works you just have to keep moving resolutely so that they really believe you won't stop.

I often have a hard time doing this because of me disliking conflicts but I'm quite used to it now. For me it's like a constant test and an enchantment of my ability to deal with conflicts.

P.S.: Yeah... I know... If I go on with this, I will end up hit by a car in no time.