Cuddling: like or dislike.

Lol. This is true. But in lieu of this, a doggie works just as well. My chihuahua seems to think so, anyway. *And I won't even mention how long it's been for me. Relatives and friends don't count.*
So do cats. :P
I don't like intimate relationships, therefore I really dislike cuddling.
I'm a little reserved with PDAs, but especially like cuddling when alone with my sweety.
I tried to cuddle my hamster. Didn't work out so well... :m197:
I'm gonna join the popular opinion and say I love cuddling, but only in private. I hate seeing/showing excessive PDA.
My experience of it is one of happiness, pleasure, and intimacy.

Those aspects increase in proportion to the area of skin-on-skin contact.

Cuddling is the best part of a lazy morning. Or a rainy evening staying in on the couch. Or swinging the summer away on the backyard hammock. Love cuddling.

As for Public Displays of Affection. Hmm. While I don't feel comfortable demonstrating it, it doesn't bother me when other people do it. Not enough to rant about it, anyway.
Where to begin...

Perhaps I should say first that I was never an affectionate person. In classic infp style, although I feel immensely on the inside, I am a cool cucumber on the outside, and don't really like hugging, or outward signs of affection that much.

Until I met her.

One time, we embraced each other for a long time, and for me it was like I had finally found the elusive "Lady Beauty" who I constantly seek. It was NOT sexual. And this is what I loved most about it. We were just embracing and experiencing each other's souls. It was such a pure, beautiful experience, and words fail, or at least my skill to use words fail to describe it.

I feel like if I scour the earth, I won't find another woman who has such "strange" ideas about intimacy. That it doesn't have to be sexual. That you could just embrace for hours and experience the light in each other's souls.
As for Public Displays of Affection. Hmm. While I don't feel comfortable demonstrating it, it doesn't bother me when other people do it. Not enough to rant about it, anyway.
What can I say, I dislike PDA because I'm jealous they are experiencing it an I'm not (but I'm talking about making out in front of an audience or something of that nature. hand holding, hugging, and the such don't bother me too much)
What can I say, I dislike PDA because I'm jealous they are experiencing it an I'm not (but I'm talking about making out in front of an audience or something of that nature. hand holding, hugging, and the such don't bother me too much)

Yeah, I know. I was talking about the gratuitous, slobbering, hands-everywhere brand of PDA too. Obviously they're getting a kick out of the attention, for better or for worse. If you get jealous, just think... you're giving them the sort of reaction they were after.
Yeah, I know. I was talking about the gratuitous, slobbering, hands-everywhere brand of PDA too. Obviously they're getting a kick out of the attention, for better or for worse. If you get jealous, just think... you're giving them the sort of reaction they were after.
I'll probably continue my usual reaction to such a thing. Scoff and walk away grumbling unhappily under my breath. I'll let them enjoy the attention...
I'll probably continue my usual reaction to such a thing. Scoff and walk away grumbling unhappily under my breath. I'll let them enjoy the attention...

Aw. *hugs*
Nothing washes away the stress of the day, or a bad situation like hugs & cuddles.

So, I am all for them!
Yes, I like cuddling in the context of an intimate relationship.

I tend to avoid excessive PDAs because I know what it's like to watch people in a relationship love all over each other. It tends to make anyone you're with who is single feel like crap. So, I limit it to holding hands, an arm around the other person, brief hugs, and maybe some tickling...stuff that looks like things close friends and relatives do.
I love cuddling even if its with friends, though cuddling parties scare me because I'm afraid of being left out. I've always loved cuddling, and it would be hard to love cuddling more than I do.

I usually don't mind PDA's. Sometimes they are really nasty, but even then I still usually don't care very much. I find other things much more annoying.
In case it wasn't obvious, I'm referring to cuddling in the context of an intimate relationship.

Though I've never had the opportunity to attempt as such, I love the idea of cuddling, and can't wait to do so with somebody I love (this is actually somewhat of a point of dissonance in my current -long distance- relationship, not solely because it isn't currently possible but because the other half doesn't like the idea).

Do you like it, dislike it, or feel completely ambivalent to it?

Love it!
I love cuddling even if its with friends, though cuddling parties scare me because I'm afraid of being left out. I've always loved cuddling, and it would be hard to love cuddling more than I do.

I usually don't mind PDA's. Sometimes they are really nasty, but even then I still usually don't care very much. I find other things much more annoying.

Hmm...there's a thought. Cuddling parties are too far out for me. So is the whole "payment for cuddles" concept. Those concepts are weird and highly uncomfortable to me. Maybe because cuddling and hugging is so terribly intimate to me, and when people just get together and cuddle for no reason (or actually pay for it--!), it cheapens the experience.
Hmm I just realized I've only cuddled with people that I've been intimate with. I'll hug anybody, but cuddling is a completely different ballpark. You just saok up so much of a person when you cuddle, it would feel weird to do that with just anyone.
Define.... "cuddling party".... <.<