Daily schedules and INFJs


Community Member
Do you follow a daily schedule apart from work?

I find that ever since I started putting things on an agenda (even stuff like "wash the dishes", "paint nails"), I have been getting a lot more done and seem happier overall. I wonder if this is a -J trait.
I eat on a strict time basis, this is for a reason but all the same. I tend to follow a loose plan no matter what I'm doing, even relaxing. The idea of just letting stuff happen scares me, seems like a waste of time.
I write everything down I have to do and make sure everything is in its place at work. At home, I plan everything in my head, don't write anything down, become a victim of everyone else's agenda, and usually end up a wee bit stressed. Though I do make sure I and my kids make it to any appointments/events on time or early!
I write everything down I have to do and make sure everything is in its place at work. At home, I plan everything in my head, don't write anything down, become a victim of everyone else's agenda, and usually end up a wee bit stressed. Though I do make sure I and my kids make it to any appointments/events on time or early!

This is me.
Depending on how important it is, it may be written down. Maybe I'll toss something out of place to remind me of something. One phone call can change so many things. I never forget my dog and his times. The older I get, the more I find myself thinking or reading. I tend to be more seasonal than hourly.

I find myself in moments that go by entirely too quickly, leaving me hoping for more of those moments. Wish I could relive some of them, maybe trying to make them last longer or happen again. Why I allow them to disappear without some form of attachment is entirely based on hope. I may have gotten more done earlier in life by writing things down for tomorrow, but feel I am living my life more today. Things will come around.
The older I get, the more I find myself thinking or reading.

Interesting on the reading part. Me too! I am an academic so reading is part of my job but I find that these days I want to read novels and non-fiction books for fun. I also have a list of films to watch.
I needed a small break today from work and found myself reading for 20 minutes or longer. Found it relaxing.
I'm usually a great schedule maker, but my follow through is non-existent. Nowadays I'm more realistic, I don't make certain schedules since I don't intend to follow through. I always make a mental list, or perhaps more correctly, I write randomly on my chalk board's mind, things I ought to do in the day. Yet frequently little gets done in this way. Here and there I will write a list, even just 3 or 4 things, such as clean the bathroom, finish writing this document, write one more section on this paper, send an email to this person, edit this poem etc., and I find I am so much more productive this way.

Supposedly in one of his songs, Bon Joni says: "write your plans, but write them in pencil." I write mine in pen, but metaphorically in pencil, since I'm resigned to my little list being thrown to the wind if the day goes differently than how I thought. Still, with a short and achievable list, with an intention to carry them out as though a duty, I can be rather productive. Indeed, a list helps to ground me and help me make better use of my time.
I'm usually a great schedule maker, but my follow through is non-existent. Nowadays I'm more realistic, I don't make certain schedules since I don't intend to follow through. I always make a mental list, or perhaps more correctly, I write randomly on my chalk board's mind, things I ought to do in the day. Yet frequently little gets done in this way. Here and there I will write a list, even just 3 or 4 things, such as clean the bathroom, finish writing this document, write one more section on this paper, send an email to this person, edit this poem etc., and I find I am so much more productive this way.

Supposedly in one of his songs, Bon Joni says: "write your plans, but write them in pencil." I write mine in pen, but metaphorically in pencil, since I'm resigned to my little list being thrown to the wind if the day goes differently than how I thought. Still, with a short and achievable list, with an intention to carry them out as though a duty, I can be rather productive. Indeed, a list helps to ground me and help me make better use of my time.

I feel rather productive if I make a new, single task, list after each task I complete... I wake up in the morning... #1 use the bathroom. Check. #1 flush. Check. #1 wash hands. Check. #1 exit room. Check. You get the idea... the days seem to drag on this way
I feel rather productive if I make a new, single task, list after each task I complete... I wake up in the morning... #1 use the bathroom. Check. #1 flush. Check. #1 wash hands. Check. #1 exit room. Check. You get the idea... the days seem to drag on this way

So, in other words you don't vaguely plan your day, but mentally chronicle it? Haha. Eat my dinner. Check. Get the kids to sleep. Check. Bury uncle Tom in the backyard. Check.

I think this method would drive me insane :)
So, in other words you don't vaguely plan your day, but mentally chronicle it? Haha. Eat my dinner. Check. Get the kids to sleep. Check. Bury uncle Tom in the backyard. Check.

I think this method would drive me insane :)

Yeah, I usually don't make it passed 9 am before I dive headlong into a half gallon of whiskey. Maybe I should rethink my strategy
I have a pretty generalized daily schedule that I mostly stick to. I try not to be militant about it but I also like making sure things happen during appropriate time slots so that things don't overlap and force me to attempt to multitask and ultimately throw me off my groove/zen/flow. In working environments, you have to be flexible with changing things up every so often, but it's important to not lose sight of all of the important elements during the transition phases.
i used to obsessed with planning. i plan my life a year ahead. LOL. my family and friends used to joke that they need a year-before appointment just so they could hang out with me. anyway, schedules/plan will just help/guide you to be more efficient. a weekly plan is okay for me now.
Not very good at this, always punctual but otherwise constantly get sucked into other people's schedules and don't have enough time for my own. So I just tend to either do work and chores endlessly, or more or less collapse in a heap.
It's iffy for me. I hate having to follow a schedule because then I get bored of the routine but I also need it or I'll get frazzled- as in if something changes in my week like someone wants me to come do something with me it takes a lot of mental energy to figure out how that will work and if it will work. So schedules are nice for a loose template of what my week will be like. For instance, I know I have to either skype someone or go into town on Tuesdays (tuesdays tend to be their own kind of hell XP), go into town on Wednesday for art, and then the other days of the week I'm home with various things happening on those days every week. But everything is also really flexible so I can get in and out of things pretty easily and add things in. Honestly I don't know if it works for me or not. I feel pretty burnt out lately and I don't honestly know what to do with myself. Meep.
I love making schedules. However, I never follow them as things always come in between.
I have a list that goes from day to day and gets things crossed off as I do them. then there is an attempt to organise my day somehow as I'm studying. So I try to split the day up, with a few hours study, my Buddhist practice, practice fiddle, go for a walk or swim, read a bit of Buddhist study material,-
maybe so some silent meditation as well and if I'm lucky journal and creative writing...
In reality I don't get to do all these things in one day!