
Why fear hurting someone.

Whatever doesn't kill them will only make them stronger.

no, what does not kill you makes you stranger :whoo:
I love the autopilot mode. I can go through the whole day in it and I will seem to be behaving normally, though my closer friends will know when I'm in that mode, even if they think its something else :D

Though, sometimes , I feel as if somethings running background and sometimes I just have no idea what. It gets kinda annoying after awhile, the feeling of not knowing that I think you are all familiar with hahaha
I daydream like crazy. They even thought I was ADD when I was little because all I would do is sit in the back of the class and daydream, but I wasn't hyper and could pay attention when I wanted to (not that those doctors asked). I was on adderall for 3 years until I just stopped taking it. Even when I took aderall I would still think about random stuff except my concentration on it was up 200%. I cant believe none of my teachers inquired about it. I'm honestly starting to lose my trust in the competence of many doctors.
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