Death Penalty For Marijuana In Malaysia


I thought the U.S. was barbaric and inhumane with its insane drug laws, this man is about to be murdered openly and legally .

A 25-year-old man wept openly in Malaysian High Court court this morning when the judge sentenced him to death for marijuana.

Shahrul Izani Suparman was convicted of possessing 622 grams of cannabis with intent to deliver, reports Azreen Hani of The Malay Mail. Shahrul was 19 years old when he was arrested on Sept. 25, 2003.

According to police, Shahrul tried to get away from them on foot when he was ordered to stop while riding his motorcycle in Klang, Malaysia. Authorities said Shahrul had made a U-turn, and was riding without his lights on.

The marijuana, packed in two separate newspaper wrappings, was found in the motorcycle's basket. Shahrul was charged under Malaysia's Dangerous Drugs Act of 1952, which upon conviction carries a death sentence by hanging.

Malaysia, along with Vietnam, Indonesia, China and several other Asian countries, has some of the harshest drug laws on Earth. Mere possession of more than 200 grams carries a mandatory death penalty by hanging in Malaysia.

Shahrul had spent the last six years in prison while battling the charges.

His lawyer, Suzanawati Ismail, asked the court to spare his client's life, as this was the accused's first offense. The lawyer said his client was only trying to escape the police since he knew he was guilty for riding the motorcycle without the lights on, and was unaware of the cannabis he was carrying, as he "was only helping his friend deliver" it.

Shahrul admitted his friend paid him for making deliveries on two separate occasions, but denied any knowledge of the contents of the packages he was asked to carry.

The judge, Datuk Mohd Zaki Yasin, was unmoved and sentenced Shahrul to death. The defendant has until Jan. 11 to appeal the court's decision, according to The Malay Mail.
Oh my goodness! How terribly tragic. Wow.. I feel awful now. I have no words. :(
I just can't get my mind around the logic behind such punishments for possessing weed of all things.
I just can't get my mind around the logic behind such punishments for possessing weed of all things.

Yeah.. it's pretty ridiculous actually. Ridiculous and downright horrible.
Strangely enough, a mandatory death penalty for a second attempt to smuggle more than 50 grams of marijuana into the United States was proposed in 1996 by Newt Gingrich. Obviously it failed. Under currently law, you would actually have to bring over 60,000 kilos of weed into the country to qualify for the death penalty.

This is definitely a different face to the War on Drugs that most people are not used to seeing.
Well obviously his weed was going to kill a bunch of people, so of course he should hang. Weed is the most dangerous thing in the world.
Well obviously his weed was going to kill a bunch of people, so of course he should hang. Weed is the most dangerous thing in the world.
Well obviously his weed was going to kill a bunch of people, so of course he should hang. Weed is the most dangerous thing in the world.

The only difference between them and us is that we 'think' we have rights. They know they don't. It's a very harsh world for a lot of people.
I cannot express how terrible this is. What a stupid country.

I'm shocked that Newt Gingrich would do that Satya.
That's beyond ridiculous. That's like hanging for bringing a carton of cigarettes to Canada, or something.

My guess is he went behind the cartel's back and someone was unhappy 'cause they didn't get their cut.
Why are you all shocked? Malaysia is an openly Islamic country...

If people in their country REALLY wanted to change it, they'd change the laws. The guy knew the law, and didn't bother to ask his mate what he was delivering.

Malaysia has a westministerial type democracy. If someone wants to change a law, the Ballot is the place to do it, not a courtroom after you've been caught and found guilty of a crime.
Therewas that british guy executed a few days back for drug smuggling in China. What do you think of that!
These typed of laws in these countries are generally known so my sympathy for such people tends to dwindle, stupidity has consequences.
I cannot express how terrible this is. What a stupid country.

I'm shocked that Newt Gingrich would do that Satya.

what a stupid country? Isn't that a bit much? It's not like the country decided to suddenly invest in a ex post facto law and execute this sucker on the spot! Is the law incredulously harsh? Yes. Did the man know that the law for having that much marijuana in malaysia? Yes he did most likely. While it is a horrible law, he knew the consequences.
So yeah, this guy should have known the law in his country, and yes he acted stupidly knowing the law, but I fail to see how that makes this any less of a tragedy. I get the feeling that people think that because a law is known, anyone who breaks the law gets what's coming to them.

Regardless of the stupidity of the guy, it's a ridiculous law, and has ridiculous consequences. I still feel horrible for him, even if he brought this upon himself, because it's a horribly unfair law.

In other news, I find it funny that people say pot doesn't kill; it most obviously does. This guy is proof.