Describe Your Musical Essence

For my soul baring music I am going to go with a mix of all the feels, bc as a 4w5 I am flaming with those.. 0.0
And much like my feels, this is gonna be a lil intense and all over the place like like a paint bomb.. Sorry about that mess.. :sofa:
It was fun going through and looking at everyone's answer. I'll share a few of mine.These songs, I feel, are tattooed into my DNA. I can't really go into what they mean to me because I don't understand it, but I feel like their message is powerful, gripping, and inspiring. These are songs that have shaped me as an artist and as a person. If my life has a soundtrack, these are undoubtedly on it.

I took a summer school class one time and played this whole album basically every day I went to and from and on breaks.
For some reason this song has stuck with me and is forever associated with summer school for me, and Clint Eastwood of course.
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Music is such an important aspect of my life. I honestly don't know what I would do if music ever ceased to exist. It has been there for me through the most beautiful, agonizing moments of my life. Music is truly what makes the world go round and what makes humanity connect with one another despite the harshness and everyday cruelties you see through the news.

I don't have a preference in music genre. I love listening to basically everything---actually never mind, I hate rap; but other than that, each category has their great collection of music.

This is one of my favorite songs. It was played in the end credits of The Theory Of Everything. If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it. Eddie Redmayne did an excellent job portraying Stephen Hawking.
