Desire for Retribution


find wisdom, build hope.
...How do you deal with it (in yourself or in others?)

I'm beginning to see this in many people if not everyone and that.....kind of distracts me (because your justice is different than mine, and we're not even talking about laws)
Success is the best revenge as the maxim goes, I truly believe that. If you can be successful, hold your head up, let go of all the anger, and smile and be friendly just as though nothing ever happened, or at least as though nothing happened that was worthy of your attention, then that's true victory, I believe.
I've always had an "eye for an eye" approach. I take it very seriously. So much so that it often gets me in trouble(minimally), but I really don't give a shit. You SHOULD get whatever shit you inflict upon me personally. How else are you gonna really understand what it is you are doing to me? You failed to empathize with my sovereignty as a human to begin with so guess what fucker, you just lost yours. It's entirely fair and I'm perfectly reasonable. If the person is too stupid to understand their wrongdoing or my method of retribution, then I'll be more likely to just let it go. Their existence is probably punishment enough. Otherwise, I will gladly verbally tear you seven new assholes.

We need more retribution. Kind retribution. Intellectual retribution. Not physical retribution because that inhibits growth and is simply abuse.
I restrain my desire for revenge, and defer it to gloating over the misfortunes of pests. I won't show my gloating, as I consider such display crass.

However, if there are reasonable, dignified, and legitimate ways to bring pests down, I don't hesitate.
Success is the best revenge as the maxim goes, I truly believe that. If you can be successful, hold your head up, let go of all the anger, and smile and be friendly just as though nothing ever happened, or at least as though nothing happened that was worthy of your attention, then that's true victory, I believe.

This is me.
Success is the best revenge as the maxim goes, I truly believe that. If you can be successful, hold your head up, let go of all the anger, and smile and be friendly just as though nothing ever happened, or at least as though nothing happened that was worthy of your attention, then that's true victory, I believe.

Success is the best revenge has always been my motto; it's all I strive for at everything I do.
Depending on the situation, i have no problem with retaliation per se. If not, then i think i forget it, or push back inmediatedly to not hold grudges... I'm not one to forget when i'm hurt though, and it takes more than a while for me to let that go, specially if it's someone i'm connected with.
I'm capable of feeling rage and wanting revenge. But I don't like feeling that way. I accept that I will feel that way and then I just keep it to myself and feel those feelings until they make me sick and I decide I'm done debasing myself with those thoughts. I don't enjoy it. So after a brief period of feeling like I could raze cities, I try to pick up whatever pieces are left and move on to build myself back up or my situation back up. So essentially, success is the best revenge, or, finding happiness is the best revenge.