Did the Dark Knight affect you as it did me?

Silently Honest

Retired Staff
For those who have seen it, it left me feeling blue, after I left, bittersweet is the correct term, but it was stronger then that.

I felt legitmatly bad.

It's because of Harvey Dent, I could smell the Fe on him.
I think I'm still in awe. There was just too much to take in and I think I'm just still overwhelmed.
If Harvey Dent were real, I would have believed in him.


When Bruce decided to take the fall for Harvey, to keep hope alive in Gotham, and Gordans voice over, telling his son that Batman wasn't a hero, but whatever the city needed him to be at the moment, and at that point in time, they needed him to be a villain.
A masterpiece, but somewhat depressing, 90% of the movie was a sense of hopelessness...

I approve. 8-)
Yes hopelessness is the appropriate word!
It was the best movie I've seen In my life. Maybe I don't watch a lot of movies.
entyqua said:
Yes hopelessness is the appropriate word!
Stone said:
A masterpiece, but somewhat depressing, 90% of the movie was a sense of hopelessness...

I approve. 8-)
The hopelessness made me really wan't him to succeed even more. It encouraged me? :?
The fact that he didn't kill the joker actually made me feel more whole hearted.
I sort of did feel bad for the joker sometime though. :cry:
Alright, this thread has encouraged me to go see it. I generally don't go to the cinema but this is sounding good.
The movie was AWESOME!!!

I keep thinking of what could have happened though. SPOILERS BELOW
If Batman cut off Joker's hands when he had him locked up, then people may have been saved.
If the Joker hadn't put the phone there (referring to two different scenes), circumstances would have been very different.
I normally hate action films cos I'm the type of person who has to look away when anyone gets shot or is threatened which meant I was squirming about for the entire film. However I loved this film :D Mostly because of Heath Ledger's performance. I didn't know I liked him until I saw him in this, its a bugger he's dead now :roll:

It left me feeling exhilarated and with a lot to think about...
Eric86 said:
I still haven't seen it yet.

:o :shock: You must ;) When you can of course...It was a fabulous movie...but be prepared to have LOTS of thoughts flowing through your mind every moment after you watch it! :D
I'm still thinking about it...

when I think back it seems like a blur, so much was going on.
Stone said:
I'm still thinking about it...

when I think back it seems like a blur, so much was going on.
entyqua said:
Eric86 said:
I still haven't seen it yet.

:o :shock: You must ;) When you can of course...It was a fabulous movie...but be prepared to have LOTS of thoughts flowing through your mind every moment after you watch it! :D
If I can find someone to go with, I will.
Me neither Eric, I'd go with ya but you're too far away :(