Did the Jews unfairly face persecution because of the way they are?


Well-known member
I have been looking through old family photos and a lot of people in my family look sort of Jewish, and as well, I've been told numerous times that I look like an ashkenazi jew and I thought "wha?" and I didn't really think anything of it, because to me they looked mostly white but then I looked at a bunch of photos of jewish people and then my family and my self and I realized that me and my family all have a lot of physical features that appear quite frequently in the ashkenazi jews (not quite the other jews)

I know a lot of people hate the Jews, but then other people are sort of neutral towards them and think they sort of unfairly get blamed for a lot of things. It's true that throughout history, they've faced a lot of persecution and have in many ways lived perpetually as outliers and still do this day face a host of persecution and the like. I was wondering, is it because of the way they are?

I've bee told a lot of the time that I "look like Harry Potter" (and Frodo) and as well not only that, but I'm taken weirdly quite often as well and I've always been this huge mistfit and everyone thinks I'm weird and I've perpetually been sort of an outcast my entire life. I realized upon reading about Jews and history a bit that I think Harry Potter sort of symbolizes the Jews a little bit and like Voldermort and his evil henchman symbolize fascism and stuff. I was wondering then, the whole "chosen thing" does it work the same way? are people always out for them and feel this innate hatred for them or something?

I was thinking about the whole thing with the Jews seemingly having positions of a lot of authority and influence in the world, but does it just happen naturally (to some degree) and people resent them for it? but yet, that's why they are such big proponents of Marxism quite often?

I honestly sometimes feel like I might as well have a mark on my forehead, and literally it seems like I do, I have some kind of an invisible literal mark that often seems to attract weird and strange attention, hostility, all this weird stuff. I relate to the ashkenazi Jews a lot, and I see myself in them, but it's kind of weird.
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People in my family all sort of resemble this

everyone in my family sort of looks or has features like that. My great grand a lot like Kirk Douglas and Joseph Gorden Levitt )who are both jewish) : /

On my mom and dad's side. My dad looked quite Jewish as well, he had thick black curly hair, and such. I get a sense that he was adopted because of what he looked like, as the family who adopted him were hardcore Christians. They don't look like most other white people, I've never realized it.
Well apparently not all jews are Semites, there's very different branches and groups of them so that's something interesting to take note of.

I think I might have just meant certain types of people more so then the Jews alone...
I think maybe I mean Jews, and people like the Jews...and again, I mention Harry Potter, Frodo, because I feel like it's individuals who are like that in particular who attract the most disdain or resentment.

I almost just vaguely think of the 2nd Tron movie, and I wonder if maybe that's what the whole conflict and divide is about all together,

The user, systems, programs...

The system is what the problem is, but the system now cannot be stopped and is routinely put into motion and progressed by those who cannot understand.
What exactly do you mean by "the way they are"?
I don't know how else to describe it, but I just mean that maybe there was something abut them that generally many others did not like or take to very much and thus they were unfairly persecuted against for some reason.

I guess I mean in a way that doesn't matter, just that they were because of how they are itself. Though I know, money laundering and so and so, that's fairly justifiable, but I don't think it was all of them that took part or were responsible for that, which makes me wonder that they as a whole have been unfairly generalized into kind of like this one size fits all box. It's kind of weird though and scary when a huge group like that operates half seemingly as a "race" and then another as a "religion" with it's own secrete motive and agenda at all times and as so much influence in wordily affairs.

Apparently the Ashkenzai Jews (if the I.Q. tests are true) often score the highest in comparison to the other races and if some of the Jews are successful in that sense, would it just not be because of things like this instead of working and transpiring behind the scenes.

I don't know if I were to generalize as whole, what I have witnessed and seen no the outside, I cannot say that I really agree with what a lot of them seem to stand for. Though, I sort of wonder how many of them are actually like, Ashkenazi Jews. some of them are like those far left hawking ones, who are always trying to push this agenda in Hollywood, and others seemingly are not very much at all.

But like I was watching Ghost in Shell with Scarlett Johansson, and she is apparently gifted or what have you, and I noticed she kind of has a peculiar dreamy look in her eyes, and I would term them as 'doleful' but to some they would look kind of blank and not too removed from looking like people who have Aspergers and likewise, people often look at me strangely and think that I am slow or stupid and weird because I have eyes and facial expressions like that. The way I am, the way I'm predisposition as seemingly always been different then many of the people around me and I have always attracted strange contention and bewilderment all together as if they just cannot really comprehend me for some strange reason and I am just this complete oddity to everyone around me.

It's like in Judge Dredd, the whole time I was watching it was some people and one of the guys there kept saying how stupid and slow this actress looked and I receive the same types of reactions all of the time simply because of how I look.

ha ha ha, and ironically she is also jewish I just looked it up. I thought she might be spanish but apparently she's an Ashkenazi Jew!
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@Darc , are you a teenager by any chance?
Yes, subjectivity, introverted feeling=Catcher in the Rye= "teenager-y"

It's really that that many misinterpret the novel as pertaining specifically to "adolescence" it was actually (in the most socially sacrilegious manner) about social conformity to such a degree, but I suppose since the masses will always will it's unconsenting desires on unsuspecting individuals and forcibly take away their rights of consent.
It also fits side-by side fairly well with Karl Marx's concept of "alienation" but oh, who cares right? it's all dribble and none sense. I mean, we should just be capitalist pawns and force everyone to think and act the same exact way because we obviously we insecurity at those who are not exactly the same way as us.

Also sin I suppose. They can't be redeemed, the masses will not understand! they choose willful ignorance! kill the heretics! stone them to death!

*sigh* yes, let's keep building this monstrous machine and spreading our infernal cancers of the mind and soul.
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Yes, subjectivity, introverted feeling=Catcher in the Rye= "teenager-y"

It's really that that many misinterpret the novel as pertaining specifically to "adolescence" it was actually (in the most socially sacrilegious manner) about social conformity to such a degree, but I suppose since the masses will always will it's unconsenting desires on unsuspecting individuals and forcibly take away their rights of consent.
It also fits side-by side fairly well with Karl Marx's concept of "alienation" but oh, who cares right? it's all dribble and none sense. I mean, we should just be capitalist pawns and force everyone to think and act the same exact way because we obviously we insecurity at those who are not exactly the same way as us.

Also sin I suppose. They can't be redeemed, the masses will not understand! they choose willful ignorance! kill the heretics! stone them to death!

*sigh* yes, let's keep building this monstrous machine and spreading our infernal cancers of the mind and soul.

Is that a 'yes'?
but yet, that's why they are such big proponents of Marxism quite often?

Where on earth are you getting this from? Marxists tend to be atheist (Marxism itself being reactionary to what Marx and Engels referred to as Parsonism during their lifetime, i.e. Thomas Malthus). Much of what they wrote on religious matters contradicts Judaism (and their main target, Christianity), and I have not seen much in the way of overlap.

And no, I do not think Jewish people are or were targeted because of the way they are (assuming these generalizations have any substance). Long before the Holocaust, there was a history of bigotry and discrimination against Jewish people throughout Europe going back centuries. The only explanation really is that it is because they were not Christian and Europe was not so tolerant of differences.
I guess I mean in a way that doesn't matter, just that they were because of how they are itself. .
This is incoherent.
Though I know, money laundering and so and so, that's fairly justifiable.
money laundering is the practice of taking money that has been stolen or earned illicitly and running it through a bank or business or a series of banks and businesses in order to make it appear as though is is a legitimate earning. You are casually accusing the majority of Jews, over centuries of being criminals, and assuming that it is a commonly held belief (which it is not)

but I don't think it was all of them that took part or were responsible for that, which makes me wonder that they as a whole have been unfairly generalized into kind of like this one size fits all box..
But you seem to be asserting that there is a preponderance of evidence that some or at least the most influential members of Jewish society are criminals.
It's kind of weird though and scary when a huge group like that operates half seemingly as a "race" and then another as a "religion" with it's own secrete motive and agenda at all times and as so much influence in wordily affairs.
this is so fucked up that I don't know where to begin. Here is a secret agenda for you, I really hope you move along to some white supremacist site where you can find yourself a mentor and grow these "questions" you have into full blown ethnic hatred, remember, there are more than Jews out there to level unfounded and loathsome accusations at.
@Darc whatever your age it'd be a good idea to think more about what your posting. You mentioned before about having difficulties socially, but I think if you took more responsibility for thinking about yourself and what you say and the ways you respond these could be minimised. Think, listen and reflect. There is a lack of coherence, authenticity and correctness in the things you say that's why you have the problems you have. People also get annoyed with sloppy comments and generalisations and are bound to take issue or offend.

"Di...Do the Jews face persecution because of the way [some people think] they are?"

Well, they may also face persecution for what they aren't. /deep thoughts

Claiming relation to America's proud and noble indigenous peoples is so '70s.

Ashkenazi Jews are HOT these days!

Evidence for a group difference in intelligence
One observational basis for inferring that Jews have high intelligence is their prevalence in intellectually demanding fields. While only about 2% of the U.S. population is of full Jewish descent,[2] 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century,[2][3] 25% of Fields Medal winners,[4] 25% of ACM Turing Award winners,[2] 9 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Jewish ancestry.[4]

A more direct approach is to measure intelligence with psychometric tests. Different studies have found different results, but most have found above-average verbal and mathematical intelligence in Jews, along with below-average spatial intelligence.[3][5][6][7]

The average IQ score of Jews has been calculated to be 112–115 (Cochran et al.),[8] and 107–115 (Murray; Entine).[9][10][11] A study found that Jews had only mediocre visual-spatial intelligence, while their verbal IQ (which includes verbal reasoning, comprehension and working memory) compensated for this with a high median of 125.6.[12][13]


Google said:

Searches related to ashkenazi descent
Google said:
Yes, definately the jews have been treated very unfairly throughout history. There isnt a specific "look" that will make one person more likely to be persecuted over another person. They were persecuted simply because they stood for something which other cultures felt threatened by. Most kings and tyrants couldnt handle having subjects who believed they were superior or intrinsically more special than the ruler himself, and that is exactly what the jews claimed they are. People are most likely not looking at you weirdly. It may just be your perception. And if they are let them think what ever they want to think about you because their opinions are not important anyways.