That doesn't explain why we're having this "discussion" (yes I used quotes)
If we were this simple, we wouldn't be talking about it, we'd be doing it.
We are doing it.
Life is a battle that no one want's to lose.
That doesn't explain why we're having this "discussion" (yes I used quotes)
If we were this simple, we wouldn't be talking about it, we'd be doing it.
We are doing it.
Life is a battle that no one want's to lose.
Speak for yourself. I don't need to be here talking to you. Moreover survival and procreation is about the last thing on my mind. I've got more interesting things to do and if you'll excuse me I'll be doing them now.
Well, it is nice of you to think like that, but you are a minority.
Regarding deception:
"Women wish to attract high status men (plus reliability for long-term partners) and to achieve this they simply need to appear youthful, look attractive and behave selfishly. Women list significantly more traits in their demands; and place a strong emphasis on cues related to wealth and status. Women may also seek potential status in a man. If a man wishes to attain a mate of higher value than his status would normally allow, he first has to deceive a woman about his reliability in the future (and to do this effectively he has to deceive himself) and then maintain the illusion by actually hanging around in the early years of his children’s lives. Women simply do not understand that really what they are experiencing when they select a man to fall in love with, is that they are not so much ‘falling in love’ as ‘falling in respect’. They don’t seem to grasp that it is the various facets of male status that are their selecting criteria, and instead imagine that it is something to do with a chance stumbling on a Mr Right in terms of a constellation of personality factors with which they mysteriously gel (plus the ‘tall dark and handsome’ thing). You’ve seen the films when a man and a woman literally bump into each other in a corridor and one of them drops some books and the other helps to pick them up. And then they fall in love. It may not be reality, but it is a stylization of a dream romance (according to the woman). Women speak of certain men being ‘good in bed’, when in fact they are nothing of the sort, they are simply perceived as being of high status. The tragedy that the world is run by rich, arrogant, war-mongering and frequently good looking men (rather than those best equipped to do the job) is because women select for these characteristics. They spend their lives attempting to place themselves in the path of high status men, then complain when their high status partner (such as a trader in the city) doesn’t have time for them. Men who show consideration and give their time are implying that they need to do so, so are effectively signalling their low status. Ironically, despite being in complete control of the (largely predictable) dating game, women often have a poor grasp of what is actually going on."
Some very interesting perspectives (highlighted)
If our society 'respects' material success and if in our society material success is often gained through behaviours requiring a lack of empathy does this mean that psychopaths and those exhibiting psychopathic traits will be successful in reproducing creating future generations of good looking psychopaths because of their ability to lie and cheat their way to material success?"Women wish to attract high status men (plus reliability for long-term partners) and to achieve this they simply need to appear youthful, look attractive and behave selfishly. Women list significantly more traits in their demands; and place a strong emphasis on cues related to wealth and status. Women may also seek potential status in a man. If a man wishes to attain a mate of higher value than his status would normally allow, he first has to deceive a woman about his reliability in the future (and to do this effectively he has to deceive himself) and then maintain the illusion by actually hanging around in the early years of his children’s lives. Women simply do not understand that really what they are experiencing when they select a man to fall in love with, is that they are not so much ‘falling in love’ as ‘falling in respect’.
Also the idea that women are playing a massive part in that selection process would suggest that women need to take some responsilibity for how the world is and re-think what they culturally value
This is exactly what Feminists want unliberated women to believe.
do you @muir think that men and women would be happier with each other if we lived in a more tradition way, like say the way things were between men and woman in pre industrial times?
Did anyone else notice the double entendre here?If we were this simple, we wouldn't be talking about it, we'd be doing it.
Also the idea that women are playing a massive part in that selection process would suggest that women need to take some responsilibity for how the world is and re-think what they culturally value
But it won't happen...because......rule number 1 with women: ''it's always the man's fault!''
We'd best not hold our breath, they're not done bashing men yet
Maybe in another say 5-10 years women might be ready to start looking at their own behaviours but i think there's some way to go still with the collective man-bashing by the sisterhood
They have to burn themselves out first and that's gonna take another generation i think before they realise they are shooting themselves in the foot (ie when they reach middle age and still haven't found happiness...meanwhile their daughters look at them and resolve to do things differently)
Unfortunately our generation is catching the full brunt of it
You might want to start by looking at your behaviour. You are being very hypocritical as I haven't seen any woman on this thread bashing men but I've seen you in particular and of course Hector bashing women (and in his case men as well). There's been lots of women on here commenting and none of them have said that men are 'all this' or 'all that'. They have been trying to have a balanced conversation and you keep saying things like 'women say it's all the men's fault' when no one has said that but you have made comments like this which seems like you are saying it's all women's fault. You keep accusing women of doing what you are doing. I'm not a big fan of Freud but I would think that his concept of Projection might apply to you.
You should cast your view wider then to parallel discussions on the forum
For example one about cat calling (aimed solely at a male behaviour but with no mention of why that might be happening)
I've read what you said on there and I would suggest that you have a much more negative and accusatory attitude towards women than any of the women that have posted in these threads have towards men. Please point out where anyone has said it is all men's fault? I can point out several places where you and others have said that it's all women's fault. Objectivity and balance are not your strengths.
The thread itself is looking at a male behaviour towards women so EVERY SINGLE POST is speaking about the effect without looking at the cause (why men are doing it)
I stepped in and balanced that out
Problem is, if you get into a "fight" (verbal of course) with a woman then immediately all women and men will jump to the rescue and insinuate that you don't like women in general or whatever (even though perhaps it is only that woman in particular that you don't like).
In a woman's case a guy she is fighting with is always a jerk and no one will imply that she is "projecting" onto that moron.