[INFJ] Different "flavors" of INFJs: How the enneagram differences manifest in personality

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This is really simple if we are going by Enneagram.
Firstly, there are the all around INFJs 4's, the aka deep and introspective ones, who are also called the Individualist, the "special snowflakes".
Then there are the 3's, the more Fe-ed INFJs, usualy have a artistic and extravagant personality and style.
There are many 7's INFJ, always ready for fun and seeking pleasure...they are distinguished by their very erotic desires. A kind of "artistic erotism".
And also there are the "rational romanticists" ones, the 5s, like Niels Bohr was. Thos are the ones that have a more developed capacity for logic.

I know alot of INFJs think they are 8, but that's just crazy, really crazy. There are INFJs in position of leadership I am sure, but I don't think there are INFJs who have the personality of a leader naturaly, strong, courageous, assertive and wilful. That's just not INFJ...its like you would say INFP Enneagram 8...that's how it sounds also for INFJs being a supposed 8.

There are probably more INFJs 9's also.
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There are definately some INFJ who are 8s, more 8w9. My father is one of them.
I also think they make very good leaders, because they are wise and gentle yet firm, they are not hasty and immature (hopefully).

I think I was drunk when I wrotte this. Definately so.
The types that naturaly have the personality and nature of a Enneagram 8 are the following: ESTP, ESTJ, ISTP, ISTJ.
And that's it. No, there aren't any ENTJs out there or INTJs who are Enneagram 8. Ok maybe, but if they train a bit...
I am talking about classic leadership here, the qualities of a good leader as is classicaly understood.
Now everyone takes a leadership course and voila, they are Enneagram 8's.
Hmmm. I was contemplating the difference between the "flavors" when I happened to notice this thread.

I've tested as 6 and as 1. There isn't much about 4 that I can relate to. I've had a close friendship with a 4, but eventually the difference in how we experience the world became apparent and caused value conflicts.

She saw me as a heavy Ti user. Perhaps that's true. I saw her as being threatened by normalcy and impersonal thought in such a way that blocked her progress into thinking practically in the global perspective that she was seeking.

Most of the time I could dismiss what seemed like snobbishness. ego, or possibly even impatience as part of her working through her own personal journey. However, there seemed to be a large gap that she couldn't leap to get to my point of view.

I did notice that one major difference between us was the willingness I had to reflect or think something through deeply. She would stop where I was just beginning. Or get agitated and angry at testing ideas, I remained more neutral while taking longer to solidify my judgments. I tend to listen more carefully and let things stew in the cauldron. I'm also not threatened by sameness nor difference. I understand them as two sides to the same coin. Both are always present.

I'm often mistaken for a thinker by feelers. And a feeler with potential by thinkers.
It's an odd phenomenon that I find bothersome. As both seem to want to take to mentoring what ever ability they think I should improve. And frankly, I find both highly condescending, though I usually keep that to myself. You learn more by not correcting others assumptions.

In the end, I found her need to be original and more expressive strangely limiting. In theory, it was quite understandable, but in practice... It tended to alienate people who viewed it as a kind of pseudo-enlightenment with a selfish motivation. And being so self assured about eccentric ideas was a huge turnoff that undermined her credibility even though she was quite intelligent.

I have known neither a 1w9 nor a 6. They are similar in way, but quite different. Usually, I want to backup my findings with something tangible. And here, is where I find myself without a leg to stand on. I am missing the Ah-ha finality along with the Yes! That's it!
Until then, I am cautious of making a final judgment. Especially when I know that I'm still missing some piece to the puzzle. Care to explore with me?

6w5 or 6w7. 6w5 if introverted and 6w7 if not.
I'm 9w8. Described somewhere as "a super chill badass".

I think the wing 8 badassery shows itself when my values are violated. Especially so when the situation comes up when I'm hungry.
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This is really simple if we are going by Enneagram.
Firstly, there are the all around INFJs 4's, the aka deep and introspective ones, who are also called the Individualist, the "special snowflakes".
Then there are the 3's, the more Fe-ed INFJs, usualy have a artistic and extravagant personality and style.
There are many 7's INFJ, always ready for fun and seeking pleasure...they are distinguished by their very erotic desires. A kind of "artistic erotism".
And also there are the "rational romanticists" ones, the 5s, like Niels Bohr was. Thos are the ones that have a more developed capacity for logic.

I know alot of INFJs think they are 8, but that's just crazy, really crazy. There are INFJs in position of leadership I am sure, but I don't think there are INFJs who have the personality of a leader naturaly, strong, courageous, assertive and wilful. That's just not INFJ...its like you would say INFP Enneagram 8...that's how it sounds also for INFJs being a supposed 8.

There are probably more INFJs 9's also.
It is more likely that ENTJ is 8 because it has both Te and Se in its function order (dom-tertiary)...with a primitive Fi. ENTJ, ESTJ and ESTP is what I see for 8. ISTJ maybe, but Te auxiliary, like INTJ is not the same as Te dominant.

On INFJ 7? No. The difference between 7's and 4's is that 7's use Ne and 4's use Ni. Ne-Te looks different than Ni-Ti. ENFP vs. INFJ...there is a difference, the former will seek out others much more than the introverted INFJ. One is an introvert, the other is not. Moreover, if you put INFJ at 7, then where do you put ENFP, which is the type that heavily correlates to type 7 (because of Ne)? ENFP's see themselves as INFJ-like, but from a personal standpoint, I don't think the feeling is mutual. An INFJ in the grip of inferior, animalistic Se might indeed resort to self-indulgent and eccentric behavior, but they will be functioning in an unhealthy manner. At some point they must balance themselves with Ni once again. This is not the same as an Ne dominant ENFP, who will be prone to pleasure-seeking behavior "outside of themselves" at baseline. A normal functioning INFJ is not an extraverted, pleasure-seeking type because they suppress inferior Se and express dominant Ni. They might seek intense, internal experiences that set off their imaginations and give rise to a treasure trove of feelings, but it is altogther different than the behavior of ENFP 7's, or other extraverts that can fall on the 7 line, like ENTP. The Ne-Ti/Te line gives both types a frenetic quality, with Ne providing endless positive possibilities for the people, places, ideas and things they interact with. 4's are not 7's, both are idealists but 4's will intensify negative feelings on purpose, while 7's want to be distracted from them.

I don't see INFJ at 8 either, even though it is thought by some that somehow Ni dominant is even in the same universe as Te dominant. Te strategically organizes facts, plans, data, people and objects in their external environment, while the other? Well Ni is simply and subconsciously "gathering impressions" that don't organize anything in the external environment. One is a field marshal, and the other, a bookworm. Moreover, rationalizing how an Ni-dominant can somehow make its shadow function (Te/7th) more powerful than a Te dominant that has used that function since early childhood, is a stretch of infinitessimal proportions. It would also mean that it supplants the previous dominant function Ni, and then how does that work? Nope...not seeing it.

The rational romanticist would be right up my alley as a 4w5, but I am not blind to the fact that my Teritary Ti, developed as it might be, doesn't hold a candle to a Ti dominant that will learn things just for the sheer pleasure of learning, and stay with them long enough for complete mastery if desired. If you ever visit an INTP forum, you will understand quite quickly, the difference between 4w5 and 5w4/5w6. It is indeed noticeable. Ti tertiary is not in the same league with Ti dom. An INFJ that knows themselves really well will realize the difference...even if it drives up envy in the process. INFJ's aspire to their teritiary function Ti, so it is no surprise that such envy would manifest itself.
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As a 9w8, I primarily seek to find common ground and avoid conflicts

The 8 wing is like a dormant tiger or bear who only appears when backed into a corner--there is a side of me that likes to challenge notions of common sense or popular opinion when I see flaws, but rarely at the cost of damaging social harmony.
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I'm a 9 with a 1 wing, which I think makes me a bit more "in my head" than an 8 wing would do for me. I tend to be very cerebral about things. I'm very calm for the most part, but I get so angry. I don't feel ashamed or anxious, I just get angry, which is very 9 of me.

I'm abnormally easy-going, and I'm constantly cracking jokes and one-liners, even about horrible difficulties in my life. I can't understand anything until I make a stand-up comedy routine about it inside my mind.
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It works by age. First INFJ is nothing. Then INFJ takes on whatever the personality of the thing they see first is. Then INFJ meets new people. Takes on their personality. All this is unconscious Fi. Eventually, they have pretty much mastered all personality. Then they close up and learn how to interact with people. They probe. Fail. Learn. Eventually, one happens upon enneagram. 5w6, the scientist in this stage. I'm leaving this stage. 9w1 is our true type. Our face is whatever you want us to be. See above. I wonder what face that is.

For use in telling what face you are talking to.

Currently, I am the scientist. 5w6. That's why I'm saying all this. Probably move to whatever the revolutionary is.

We'll probably learn how to fudge the PRFEKT though.

Note, it said you were unhappy above. :S

Hrrm. Well don't be. It makes me sad.

Also said something along the lines of ENFP. I don't believe that. I trust this because it put me as 70% happy writing this. That is true.

Stupid Ni. Probably opening a can of worms. Oh well. Worms might be icky, but they're not harmful.

Whoop! It successfully guessed INFP. This thing is awesome!

INFP is my mom, which is what I took on first. I think.

Then again, this could be how all people develop, and the difference is that we are aware of it. This would provide more evidence to the theory that we are simply children with Asperger's that learn to compensate.

Are you a psychiatrist, my "ENFP" unhappy friend? Tell us your story.
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...peppermint, chocolate, pistachio, tyre, ferret...:flypig:
Not that kind of flavors. ...What can I say... I had trouble coming up with a title. ;)
What I mean is I find that different enneagrams give a certain distinct vibe when layered with the INFJness of a person. Anyone else noticed this? I'm going to give a very un-thought out irrational rundown of the types most represented...:eyebrows:

I'm a 4w3 and I find I'm quite direct and confrontational and dramatic, slightly pungent (edit: 4w3 sx:s are a bit pungent...so:s are funny and sweet). I recognize that kind of a samey vibe from other 4w3s. Most INFJ 4w3s seem more direct than usual in expression of all types of emotion. 4w5s are a bit less in your face and more...er... infomative is the word I'm searching for. ;)
I've noticed that INFJ 9s have a really soft and calming vibe. Enneagram 6s remind me of schoolteachers for some reason.
...this was actually meant to be a serious thread but I suddenly found myself unable to articulate anything... :eek:hwell:

I have had the same thought before. I think this hypothesis applies to all MBTi types. I'm an INFJ with an Enneagram 8w9---not common at all. People misread and "don't get me" ALL the time, largely because I'm an odd blend.
A few days ago, I tested as E1, with equal score for w2 and w9. From the definitions I read (after taking the test), I really could be both. When I told my mum she said that she didn't think 1 suited me, because I wasn't a perfectionist. At that point, I thought: "What does she know? Perfectionism doesn't just refer to work." (TBH, I can be pretty lazy). But I didn't say anything.

Is this type really that uncommon?
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;D I am a self absorbed self important "artiste" with a need for approval but a huge distaste for selling out. 4s having a fear of being normal... Sometimes I get frustrated with the more temperate INFJs who are of the more wanting to fit in variety. But I know it's my own problem and more symptomatic of the drama of the four instead of anything objective.
Fours as enneagram goes have issues with shame, vacillitating between feelings of grand pomposity and utter deflatedness, with a pertinent illusion of being special and different and permanently differentiated from others by a kind of a defectiveness in a profound way.
Personally I find it was just very recently I ever really honestly seriously considered the possibility I may not be a member of some special class of beings and actually really might just be like everyone else. It was really horrible. I know it sounds awful but it is true. I am really snobbish and silly but always thought it was justified. I think the three wing brings a kind of a "don't mess with me" vibe to it as 3 wings learn to negotiate their enviroment pretty effectively.
I do believe also that we can do something about our "primary delusion" and live in a more authentic way. It's very redeeming. :)

^ Literally I could have written that myself hahaha. Sometimes the Enneagram seems even more astonishingly accurate than mbti. But the other interesting thing, I think, about us 4s is that we have a certain impulse to expose and root out our dominant life-illusions - a desire to enact a sort of psychological auto-destruction as a drastic remedy for the sense of separation and alienation which is the flipside of our cultivating and cherishing our individuality so much. And we also enjoy ridiculing ourselves and owning up to our vanities and illusions, which is a way I think of resolving the shame-dynamic (shame of how we separate ourselves from others and fear of being judged because of it). We might be the most self-aware type of all. And I think we suffer from a kind of inverted vanity. But being INFJs and type 4s, I think, means that we really do actually have some substantial basis for feeling different and unique, considering we only make up less than one percent of the population. It's difficult to determine where the real difference ends and the constructed personal ego-illusion begins, because they tend to reinforce each other.
my tritype is 4w3 so/sx 7w8 1w2 so i can come off as an enfp which greatly confused me when i tried to type myself - i can be as bubbly, optimistic, enthusiastic, fun-loving, adventurous and expressive as an enfp on the outside, but my mentral process is definitely ni-fe.
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My flavour resembles dark chocolate brownie

Firstly, there are the all around INFJs 4's, the aka deep and introspective ones, who are also called the Individualist, the "special snowflakes".
Then there are the 3's, the more Fe-ed INFJs, usualy have a artistic and extravagant personality and style.
There are many 7's INFJ, always ready for fun and seeking pleasure...they are distinguished by their very erotic desires. A kind of "artistic erotism".
And also there are the "rational romanticists" ones, the 5s, like Niels Bohr was. Thos are the ones that have a more developed capacity for logic.

I keep getting confused by my supposed enneagram and by enneagram in general. If I understand the definitions correctly – sometimes I feel like a 5, other times like a 4. I'm probably in between 4w5 and 5w4.

I think I come across more as a 5w4 but jesus can/do I feel like a 4 deep inside. It's a bit of tug of war, really. And I was definitely more 4 when I was younger and had all those piercings. Maybe it's just that Ti developed. These days I'm big into logic but almost from an aesthetic point of view, if that makes any sense. Make it will make sense to you @Wyote. :p