Elegant Winter
- Enneagram
- Probably Nine
Haha, no that's just me. I make a dozen elaborate plans each week. Only a fraction survives a day. And even if the intention sticks for a while, I might not actually execute it.
It's like I'm some slow law-making government. Hearing experts, advisor and committees. Making new suggestions and amendments. Passing it through parliaments.
At least all the social stuff goes like that. I like all the planning and don't mind that I plan things I never do. I do mind that I hardly do anything, even though the plans seemed so promising. I'm (possibly too) risk-averse.
I don't think I'm going to follow through on this, seeing the reactions here. Maybe if she does it again, I see a confirmation of the continuation of their relationship and I see a good opportunity to mention it. Those are unlikely odds.
I feel defeated though. The warrior against evil is hold back. Is cheating considered to be morally grey? I thought it was morally black.
Aren't we as westerners incredibly involved with meddling with the lives of people around the world? Feeding them with our morals and values.
Does your church send missionaries? Do you support Amnesty International or some other worldwide charity (that doesn't just provide food/health/shelter)?
And going really extreme, do you think we should leave the islamic state alone?
Is it because I'm interfering with personal space like relationships?
I'd consider the western perspective on a culture where a husband can beat his wife to also interfere with the personal space.
Am I targeting a specific person or case, instead of trying to address the broader issue in a general manner?
Well, it would be weird to condemn it in general and let it be in a specific case.
Where lies our disagreement? Did I oversimplify in one of the above arguments? Did I miss something?
I want to understand YOUR perspectives, so that I can learn them and consider them in the future if I come across a similar dilemma.
This is about loyalty, not morality. She hasn't done anything wrong but break a commitment to her partner. And her commitments are her business. Not yours. Morality doesn't even apply to this situation. And your principles certainly don't apply to this situation.
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