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Yes, they're starting to do that now, and it is stupid. I won't deny that.Well, in most countries they take your fingerprint before issuing you an ID, so if they want to misuse that data it is already easily achievable. Nothing new there.
I don't believe anything. I only accept that this is what they claim.Same can be said for regular parliamentary or presidential election. If they say Obama has won, you will believe them because they said it. The same way they are preparing the field by falsifying the poll results, etc.
A lot of voters don't so it's not "surely" Edit: and I'd rather have my assets messed with than my vote if I had to pick one. Not my fault if other people have strange priorities. Votes rank just under "life and death importance" to me.You missed the point..Let me put it this way, more attention is being payed to money transfer than there is to a single vote. If people "trust" the encryption system to deal with their transactions (and people are very very sensitive about their assets) then surely a voter would trust his vote to something as similar.
Just because you can make a system doesn't mean it's any good. If all you want is for people to be blissful then that can happen under any system.There are ways in which a system can be created that would enable referendums to be cheap, easily manageable and most of all transparent. In 21st century there are no good excuses to prevent citizens from expressing their opinion as the real democracy should enable them to do.
Well you're right there, what most people call democracy isn't really.Rule of the people has no alternative and there are no subtypes of democracy. Either it is democracy or it isn't. Either way, it is time to start calling things by their real name.
Edit: also I don't really feel secure at all with online transactions. I hate doing them. Just a few days ago I and a bunch of other people got credited with a $14 subscription package for a game and it scared the shit out of me. Luckily it did not take money, it just added subscription time to us but still the fact that this happens is scary to me. Votes in that scenario? I shit you not I'd rather trust people to count mine by hand.
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