- Enneagram
- 9
This is so sad and so trueThat is sort of why I am hesitant to fall back to Uni, because, I had a good job. I have 5 years of experience working for a great company, which has some major pull, but I am afraid of that employment gap.
Outsourcing has equalized the job market to some extent in the world. There are a lot of people in other countries that work their ass off for scraps, and we are surprised when our jobs get eaten up overseas. We are spoiled in a lot of countries, and that era seems to be ending with globalization.
I think a lot of this boils down to overpopulation, too many people, not enough jobs.
But why have jobs in the first place? Because the majority of the world's resources are in the hands of a few and they won't readily hand it out without a trade. A lot of us just don't have anything to trade.
Jobs provide us with stuff to trade, and if you are the person with the most resources, and you tweak your supply just right, you can make it so those that don't have anything to trade have to work their entire lives just to have a bit to trade. Ensure your status by guarding your resources against those whom have none.
If you are REALLY good, make people obsessed with trading what you supply, and make them think it is their idea. Bask in their love for it.

I wanna learn how to scam people out of their money in the "legitimate" way.
If you can't beat em, join them.