Disgust for Intolerance


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
I seem to intensely dislike and be completely averse to those who have an attitude of not respecting different opinions, practices, and people. In other words, I don't like intolerant people. That is in part because respect only requires that an individual acknowledges that differing opinions, practices, or people have some value. For some reason, intolerant people can't even manage that much.

When it comes to people, tolerance does not require that individuals accommodate or react favorably to different people, but that they simply acknowledge that those people are still important. The first sign of intolerance and disrespect is when an individual begins attacking people for being different and blaming them for their differences.

It seems that one of my most important values is tolerance, but there is this problem where I can't seem to respect or tolerate those who are intolerant. I don't see any value in intolerance, and I find it difficult to find value in people who practice it. Sadly, I find myself often attacking those who are intolerant and blaming them for choosing to be that way.

The end result is that I am often disgusted with myself. This is a clear violation of my personal integrity because I am being intolerant of intolerant people.

Why is it so hard for me to acknowledge the value in those who reject the value in the way I live my life, reject the value in what I believe to be true, and ultimately reject that I as a human being have value? Why can't I simply accept that other people's values are different because of how they were raised and the experiences they have had? Why do I feel so much hostility when others argue that their values are superior to mine, even when it is clear they base their values on their own subjective moral beliefs just like everyone else does?

I really can't stand this personal prejudice of mine, but I can't see any way around it despite the fact that it makes me hypocritical.
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I seem to intensely dislike and be completely averse to those who have an attitude of not respecting different opinions, practices, and people. In other words, I don't like intolerant people. That is in part because respect only requires that an individual acknowledges that differing opinions, practices, or people have some value. For some reason, intolerant people can't even manage that much.

When it comes to people, tolerance does not require that individuals accommodate or react favorably to different people, but that they simply acknowledge that those people are still important. The first sign of intolerance and disrespect is when an individual begins attacking people for being different and blaming them for their differences.

It seems that one of my most important values is tolerance, but there is this problem where I can't seem to respect or tolerate those who are intolerant. I don't see any value in intolerance, and I find it difficult to find value in people who practice it. Sadly, I find myself often attacking those who are intolerant and blaming them for choosing to be that way.

The end result is that I am often disgusted with myself. This is a clear violation of my personal integrity because I am being intolerant of intolerant people.

Why is it so hard for me to acknowledge the value in those who reject the value in the way I live my life, reject the value in what I believe to be true, and ultimately reject that I as a human being have value? Why can't I simply accept that other people's values are different because of how they were raised and the experiences they have had? Why do I feel so much hostility when others argue that their values are superior to mine, even when it is clear they base their values on their own subjective moral beliefs just like everyone else does?

I really can't stand this personal prejudice of mine, but I can't see any way around it despite the fact that it makes me hypocritical.
I've learnt to value intolerant people, they teach great lessons about how not to live, about how i'm not as bad as i seem to think i am, and that they're the majority of voters in australia so i shouldn't piss them off.
I cannot stand absolutisms, they're always wrong.

I don't know if this was tongue in cheek but I agree with this statement.
Yes, I can relate. In most cases, when I blame A for doing B, I find myself doing B occasionally. Then I reach the same conclusion. I do not think this "hypocrisy" belongs to intolerance.

Also, I have to agree with ShaiGar in that I am not in favour of absolutism.
I feel like I almost have to be tolerant of things... just because closely examined, I can usually find myself doing/thinking something of the same essence of what it is I'm intolerant of.

When people mention tolerance in general, though, it annoys me because almost nobody has a concept in mind when they use the term.
I have yet to learn how to be properly intolerant, the best I can do is ignore.
intolerance also drives me out of myself.

This said, I have often found myself to be just too tolerant. Accepting absolutely everything makes you incapable of necessary changes sometimes, whether personal or general.

I don't know. It's still something I'm pondering on.