It's about time I school you guys on the differences between INFPs and INFJs. I've been putting it off because it takes such a long time for me to write--and I've done this SO many times on the INFP forum I could just throw up. Seriously.
But here it goes anyways. A clear distinction.
Why INFJs might think they're INFPs:
--They usually keep their desks/rooms very messy to the untrained eye
--They are typically more laid-back than most stereotype "J" types
--They are impulsive at times and not as "meticulous" as fellow J types
--They like to express themselves in artistic ways (through clothing style, hair style, tattoos, etc.) sometimes bordering the "outlandish"
--They are constantly trying to "find themselves" (through religion, philosophies, MBTI etc.) which seems wishy-washy
--They spend a lot of time daydreaming and living in their imagined worlds
From my experience, INFJs never switch to INFPs. It's always the other way around. So many INFJs think they are INFPs (I thought I was a INFP for the longest time) whereas most INFP know they are INFPs from the start. So if you've picked INFJ for yourself, you are more than likely a INFJ. INFPs are the most self-aware type--they don't do as much "trial-by-error" as INFJs. INFPs usually know that they're INFPs.
Differences between INFPs and INFJs:
--Although an INFJ and INFP might daydream the same, INFJs strongly anchor themselves to reality--being careful as to not "float away" with their imaginations. INFJs realize things need to get done first and foremost.
INFPs don't feel that pressing need to anchor themselves.
--While an INFJ and INFP might procrastinate, the INFJ actually gets it done. Again, it's that strong need for the INFJ to get back to reality, that keeps the INFJ from "floating away" too far into his head. Some INFJs see it as a challenge to "meet the deadline" at the very last possible minute. This isn't so for INFPs.
An INFP will procrastinate to the point where they are unable to finish tasks on time. (This is not to say that INFPs can't EVER meet deadlines---they can, but they have to push themselves harder than most to keep their focus on the project)
--The INFJ's messy desk isn't messy at all to the INFJ. They have a "system" and can find things easily. The INFJ only considers her desk a mess when she can no longer find where she put things.
INFPs don't have a system. It's just a mess. Ask a INFP to find something in his dirty pile and it would probably take him 15min, lol. (My INFP boyfriend needs my help to find his belt and keys every morning)
--INFJs aren't as self-aware with themselves, which is why they constantly feel the need to "search" for something to better explain/analyze themselves and their world. INFJs are on a quest to self-discovery. INFPs are highly self-aware and still search but for different reasons.
INFPs don't try to analyze, INFPs are simply on a quest for knowledge. They don't filter anything out--they don't feel the need to. Their Ne just soaks everything up like little sponges. INFJs' Ni is more picky and selective--they want to learn something for a purpose! Everything for the INFJ is about purpose! INFJs have "aha!" moments, or revelations.
--INFJs and INFPs might have difficulty making decisions, but for INFJs, once they make a decision that's it. INFJs make decisions quickly--sometimes rashly, but still they make a decision.
INFPs can't make up their minds to save their lives! INFPs over-analyze their problems to the point where they are incapable of making a decision at all. "Ne overload" as my boyfriend puts it. An INFP will sit on a problem for months, usually procrastinating about making a decision until it's too late, or the problem has already gone away.
--INFPs seem somewhat "cold" sometimes due to their Fi.
INFPs are EXTREMELY sensitive, yet it is under the surface and unseen. INFJs' Fe allows them to be "gushy" and "emotive." INFJs have no problem expressing themselves, sometimes to the annoyance of the INFP when they feel the INFj is being too "critical." INFPs aren't "gushy." INFPs are intense in a quiet way. (It's kinda hot actually, the hidden passion bubbling just under the surface of the INFP!!! Huzzah!) I call this the teddy bear black hole phenomenon. Those of you who have visited INFPgc know what I'm talking about.
--INFJs have goals and constantly move themselves toward those expectations.
INFPs have destinations and constantly move themselves toward them for the experience. INFPs just drift to and fro at will, moving wherever the wind will blow them. INFJs scramble like crazy to find a purpose--a goal--something! INFJs don't just "drift" through life. INFPs can easily stop and smell the roses. For this reason, INFJs are better at planning and taking charge.
--INFJs analyze and analyze! INFJs are constantly looking at the "why" and the "how." INFPs like to look at the "what if."