Do good things come to those who wait?

My mom used to say that "the only bad thing that can happen to you is dying." I believe she was right. Waiting or not, you'll learn from it. Personally I tend to err on the side of waiting. You never know what's coming around the corner.
I wait in the woods, wait in the marsh, and enjoy the scenery and other life forms while waiting. I have climbed out of the boat blind if a special duck is close by and will not respond to calling, stalking into range quietly. I find it easier to be still when waiting.

I don't like taking the first move in other situations. Don't want to be mistaken. Guess I usually waited over the years.

Have almost watched moss grow on trees waiting. Guess I'm a wishful thinker of sorts. If I wait long enough, I may feel everything would be alright to go on about whatever it is I'm contemplating. Have watched things and moments disappear, too, while waiting.
Do the introverted wait longer than the extroverted, I wonder?
It depends - if a person knows how to time important events in accordance with their actions. There is a time to take action and a time to rest and be inactive. Life is a mixture of these moments and via intuition, logic and clear perception of reality can help an individual time important events and also wait for the rewards of their effort and action. Waiting for rewards or result of previous action is entirely based on the individual - but in a sense waiting is always essential in life because life is a sprint; not a marathon.
Waiting is great when it's called for, however, you miss out on many opportunities if you wait too long without acting.
"Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits."
Thomas A. Edison