[INFJ] Do INFJ ever revisit previous relationships they had distanced themselves from??


So long story short.

I live in Amsterdam. The guy lives in Spain(my home country) and I have a solid reason to believe he is an INFJ. We knew each other for years, we hang out couple of times and during that time we might have had a connection but I was oblivious to it as I was in a relationship during that time. Since this year both of are single and hurt from the previous relationships we were in ( to a point we will not go back with exes again).

We've met once again because of mutual friend (who was always saying we click), last summer and we sparked something. We were both very confused as we didn't want to rush into anything and hurt each other but also there was definitely an attraction. He told me he had crush on me for some time and couldn't believe this was happening. He went on to call, text, and try to establish emotional connection with me...During the time, he was persistent but very contradictory too and fairly depressed - he opened up to me quite quickly about some very personal stuff. And I liked that and I think I reciprocated. He also came to visit me in Amsterdam cause he wanted to spend more time together and speaking only on Skype for like 12 hours.

The whole senario developed in the space amount of 4 months. He was saying he can't promise anything to me ( relationship wise and I'd assume because of distance) but then go onto fantasise about future and telling me how I should not worry. Anyway I realise it sounds like a silly teenage film. But basically after he went home we continued texting and he said we could take a trip but then he started to slowly withdraw and falling off the grid ( sometimes hinting that maybe I can consider moving back home but never fully saying it). We gradually stopped texting with not drama or explanations whatsoever 4 months ago. Mainly because I was in frustration with his withdraw (which I took as I am not interested anymore) but also because I cared so I tried to be respectful and give space.

The bad thing is with the days going by, I started to empathise and wanting to be close to the guy because I realised I genuinely like him. Therefore tortured by inner thoughts and lack of closure - I want to ask for your personal thoughts. Have I been door slammed? And if you think the door is closed for good? Is it worth doing something about it? Or it's all on him?

Many thanks to whoever takes the time to reply!

C x
first of all, welcome. .hope you find something of worth here. .
hard to really tell what's going on here. If you haven't had much contact in four months. . I rather think he has moved on, or is in a different place. I guess the best thing to do is contact him and see what happens