[INFJ] Do INFJs easlyy get into relationships? Are they happy in their relationships ??

INFJs experience the most marital dissatisfaction out of all the types. It is difficult for the INFJ type to find a partner that they are happy to be with and who appreciates them.

Is this a statistically proven fact?

Is this a statistically proven fact?


Go read a bunch of descriptions of the INFJ type. IDK if people did proper statistical studies or are just BSing, but it seems true from what I have seen. INFJs, known for being idealistic, are generally crushed when reality falls short of their idealism, which happens frequently.

I will try later to see if anyone did a study on this later, or if anyone here knows of some good data, I'd be happy to run the numbers myself. Here is one website on INFJ marital happiness (second paragraph from bottom):

A lot of people are dying to date INFJs, just check out what INTJs, ENTPs, INTPs, and other NFs have to say! INFJs are easy to giet along with, are reflective and recognize when they are wrong, have great personalities, and interesting minds.

On the flipside, we can be melodramatic, we can door-slam, we can be weird and cryptic. We can see too much into what's going on and try to get too involved in other people's lives.

What I've noticed is that people will put more out there if they think you are interested. It sounds like you are still young, I am sure you will get another chance at love.

I just have to say that this made me "smile out loud" today. The descriptions of us INFJ's in this post are so true!
Cryptic, melodramatic and are able to door slam.
And the good sided if you will, descriptions are also true! Great post.
Go read a bunch of descriptions of the INFJ type. IDK if people did proper statistical studies or are just BSing, but it seems true from what I have seen. INFJs, known for being idealistic, are generally crushed when reality falls short of their idealism, which happens frequently.

I will try later to see if anyone did a study on this later, or if anyone here knows of some good data, I'd be happy to run the numbers myself. Here is one website on INFJ marital happiness (second paragraph from bottom):


Check out ENFPs, they are crushed by idealism, most INFJs are long term daters, and can have satisfying and fulfilling relationships, we don't give up unless it's pointless to continue.
Go read a bunch of descriptions of the INFJ type. IDK if people did proper statistical studies or are just BSing, but it seems true from what I have seen. INFJs, known for being idealistic, are generally crushed when reality falls short of their idealism, which happens frequently.

I will try later to see if anyone did a study on this later, or if anyone here knows of some good data, I'd be happy to run the numbers myself. Here is one website on INFJ marital happiness (second paragraph from bottom):


Also, it depends on the maturity of the INFJ. The INFJs I have known in real life have all maintained long term relationships. I know many ENFPs and ENTPs that date multiple people and are extremely idealistic. INFJs typically wait until they find someone that they actually like and write a list of pros and cons. I don't date people that I think I won't have a future with.
Also, it depends on the maturity of the INFJ. The INFJs I have known in real life have all maintained long term relationships. I know many ENFPs and ENTPs that date multiple people and are extremely idealistic. INFJs typically wait until they find someone that they actually like and write a list of pros and cons. I don't date people that I think I won't have a future with.

That is what I've done as well (waited for someone I really liked- I didn't make a list).

Two mature or well rounded individuals of any type can get along and have a successful relationship, but since people aren't perfect, some combos seem to work easier than others.
I don't easily get into relationships, but I fall for people easily. I believe that we can have long term relationships, I was with my husband for almost 27 years. He is an ISTJ, and we were not really compatible, it wasn't a great relationship because we were so different, but I stayed with him because we did basically get along and we had two kids. Now we are separated. I now have a crush on an INTP who is totally different from my husband, much more interesting. But I don't want a long term relationship right now, so I can't say if it is possible again.