And no I do not, but Im using your link to find out lol
I knew it. We're the same tritype lolol! Except my 4 is a few points ahead of my 8, but our scores are almost identical. I'll find and load mine later.
I knew it. We're the same tritype lolol! Except my 4 is a few points ahead of my 8, but our scores are almost identical. I'll find and load mine later.
This makes helping you easy! Here you go...
See how this vid fits. It fit me so well I was stunned..
Found out I was type 8 The Challenger, watched an hour long video by Dr. Tom Lahue, and Ive never felt so eerily understood lol. He does the other types as well, check him out.
Thank you!
Oooh, thank you, Winter <3 Will take it this evening, if time permits. ^_^I've seen this test recommended as well.
If you like <3
Yes, thank you! When I saw Fauvre's lecture in that vid ^ I was like, O.O. Intense. I still say enneagram, particularly tritype, is more targeted and accurate than MBTI because it's focus is not only on cognition, but also on our neurosis.
You're very welcome! Just happy there are more like us here. ^_^
Diff results over the span of 3 years. The first test, the one you took never gets my variant right. The correct order is sx/sp/so. The final test gets it lol. You can see how similar our results are tho.
You're welcome. It gave me this:Oooh, thank you, Winter <3 Will take it this evening, if time permits. ^_^
My rule of thumb is, if it could be construed as a flaw, they probably aren't well understanding of it. Do you have a metric which helps you navigate such things?...but have rather less understanding of where many other folks' personas end and their shadows begin.
@Misty WOW! She hit the nail on the head from knowing what's far out, to being "too much" to the let it go types, the distress at recognizing danger early, etc. How many times has anyone given you an apology for the way they recieved you negatively when you knew way before, never lol. I can see how in the panic of trying to warn someone ahead of time can kind of cause the deliverance to come off as SO intense. That is always remembered but the reasoning behind telling someone isn't seen as "I'm telling you because I care and don't want that to happen." I guess working on the deliverance is on my end, whether someone wants to listen to that is on their end.
I don't have well-crafted answers but .....My rule of thumb is, if it could be construed as a flaw, they probably aren't well understanding of it. Do you have a metric which helps you navigate such things?
Se people can be refreshing for me. But idk about long-term.
Ooh, interesting! <3 I will still try mine when I get the chance to see what I get. ^_^ I'd love to see your results from the test we took, if you'd like to share them, of course.You're welcome. It gave me this:
...but it didn't really feel right to me. So I may try the one you & Caitlin did as well.
My rule of thumb is, if it could be construed as a flaw, they probably aren't well understanding of it. Do you have a metric which helps you navigate such things?
Se people can be refreshing for me. But idk about long-term.
(edit: typo)
Thank you <3 your answer was well-crafted for me.I don't have well-crafted answers but .....
I tend not to think of what's in someone's shadow in terms of flaws in their personality, though of course it often can include them - for example someone who is a determined and very conscious tyrant may very well have a saintly shadow that they aren't aware of. The essential thing about shadow in the way I'm using the term is that it's a semi-autonomous part of our personality that we aren't conscious of and is full of things that are part of us but which we have repressed. It appears in the way we behave and think, but we mostly see these as happening externally, outside us rather than from within. Most of us react with a strong negative emotional response if we are challenged on things that have come from our shadow, because it's incredibly difficult to change perspective and see that they are really part of us. A sure sign we have invaded someone's shadow is that they give a strong emotional reaction and reject the idea - they may confront you, or they will perhaps joke and close it down, or will feel very uncomfortable and will be evasive. What you probably won't get is a rational response, because it's beyond many of us to do that easily.
The situation becomes messy when an intuitive type interacts with others in a complex way that includes both sides of this boundary within the other without realising they are doing that.
Basically, no-one likes it when we talk to their shadow as well as to them. I think a problem that INFJs can have, along with other intuitives, is that they can often see other people's shadows very clearly, but have rather less understanding of where many other folks' personas end and their shadows begin. This can be the cause of many an uneasy relationship, and many a conflict.
It's amplified by the fact that the INFJ dominant function is the inferior, or in the shadow, for a lot of people around us and that makes people uneasy too - I have the opposite problem and can't tolerate dominant Se folks for extended periods of time, because my wiring is not set up for it.
I tend not to think of what's in someone's shadow in terms of flaws in their personality,
Most of us react with a strong negative emotional response if we are challenged on things that have come from our shadow, because it's incredibly difficult to change perspective and see that they are really part of us.