Do other INFJ's have issues with your doctors?

Yeah ok buddy. lol. Thats called malpractice.

I mean in the long run, cumulatively, lol.

The meds you'll typically get end up causing side effects, plus not actually addressing the root of the problem, allowing it to metastasize (figuratively).

The expenses are typically detrimental to mental health, too. lol
It is difficult to find a knowledgeable doctor you can trust who takes time to explain everything. I'm rarely sick but if I (or any of my loved ones) have to go to a doc then I take my medical textbook, Google and try to find out what it might be and how they treat it, so I can bombard with my questions. They usually hate it but really who knows what notes he used to have while studying, how good he really is. I hate when docs give you antibiotics without a second thought. Antibiotics aren't lollipops. Not to mention the possibility of the wrong diagnosis. Everyone can make a mistake, sure, but some decisions aren't to be taken lightly.
I mean in the long run, cumulatively, lol.

The meds you'll typically get end up causing side effects, plus not actually addressing the root of the problem, allowing it to metastasize (figuratively).

The expenses are typically detrimental to mental health, too. lol

Yes cumulatively every patient a doctor has dies. Its inevitable. Do you believe there is some sort of conspiracy here?
It depends on the type of doctors.

General practitioners have been okay for me except sometimes it took them awhile to get it right.

I judge dentists/optometrists/orthodontists and similar doctors based on how much they seem to want to get rich. I have overheard medical students talking about how great it will be to make so much money, and you can see that reflected in doctors as well. If they want to help people, I like them, but many of them seem to be in it for money and prestige and don't really care. They can/often do give poor recommendations that are often motivated by their own desire for cash, and that makes me hate them.

I loathe psychiatrists for the same reason as above.

And I don't think that plastic surgeons, except for reconstructive surgery (i.e. after an accident), should exist. People are spending so much on them nowadays to conform to ridiculous ideals of beauty.
It depends on the type of doctors.

General practitioners have been okay for me except sometimes it took them awhile to get it right.

I judge dentists/optometrists/orthodontists and similar doctors based on how much they seem to want to get rich. I have overheard medical students talking about how great it will be to make so much money, and you can see that reflected in doctors as well. If they want to help people, I like them, but many of them seem to be in it for money and prestige and don't really care. They can/often do give poor recommendations that are often motivated by their own desire for cash, and that makes me hate them.

I loathe psychiatrists for the same reason as above.

And I don't think that plastic surgeons, except for reconstructive surgery (i.e. after an accident), should exist. People are spending so much on them nowadays to conform to ridiculous ideals of beauty.

Damn tootin.

At one point in my life I had as an in-law an Ob/Gyn (long story) and got to listen to a great deal of his private, unguarded conversation between him and several of his surgeon friends. That doctor was the most money-grubbing, hyper-competitive and uncaring individual I have ever known in my life, bar none, including the handful of investment bankers and numerous business people I have known. He made the investment bankers look like monks or mother Theresa in comparison.

However, I will say, not all doctors are like this.
Yes, I have issues with doctors of all stripes--but especially of the Mental Health variety.

I can't even begin to tell you what a horrible experience I had. It's a miracle I'm not dead right now.

I could have sued the life out them, but I think I made the right decision: I just got out of their clutches, got off the medication, and then moved on with my life. End of story.
Yes. I'm not sure I have issues with doctors per se, or just with being touched by strangers. It feels like an invasion. I'm the same with dentists, osteopaths, etc. I have to force myself to keep appointments and not avoid it, otherwise I would probably develop a mild phobia.
