Do people realise the truth about power?

Better to discuss what people said or wrote instead of general dismissal or personal attacks. The latter help no one but is what most people do.
Better to discuss what people said or wrote instead of general dismissal or personal attacks. The latter help no one but is what most people do.

Context is important here, you're missing the point

I love the part of the animation where it resembles the initial fission stage of a thermonuclear weapon, when the 100 million kelvin temp causes x-rays to be emitted through the explosive lenses surrounding the beryllium-lined uranium-238 fissile tamper. Even the color shift is proper for the visible part of the radiative energy.

Hotsy Totsy,
I love the part of the animation where it resembles the initial fission stage of a thermonuclear weapon, when the 100 million kelvin temp causes x-rays to be emitted through the explosive lenses surrounding the beryllium-lined uranium-238 fissile tamper. Even the color shift is proper for the visible part of the radiative energy.

Hotsy Totsy,
R u a nuclear scientist?!