I'm bad at compromise . It's difficult for me to know when to hold out and when to give in. I hold out when I should give in which makes people frustrated. In other words, stubborness. On the other hand, I give in when I should hold out which makes me frustrated and tense. It can be difficult to communicate with someone effectively with these traits.
i'm only seen as difficult i think, to people who are difficult, because they're trying to control or one-up me in some way which causes me to screw around with them or mock the shit out of them
other than that no, not at all
No. I'm a very laid back person. However, I am famous for being vague and mysterious with people online and IRL. I don't really do it on purpose, I'm just a very private person.
No. I'm a very laid back person. However, I am famous for being vague and mysterious with people online and IRL. I don't really do it on purpose, I'm just a very private person.
Yessssssssssssssssssssssss! Exactly this. Right here.
I think I am very difficult, mostly because I am very stubborn, independent, and I get very angry when people are being rude. Then I shut down, and say nothing, or retreat to solace. If I am followed or pushed the anger will burst out in tears. I will, at times demand people do the right thing, or I will disassociate myself from them, because deceit repulses me. I distrust, so it is hard to get me to open up, and even after I do, one slip of the tongue, or false step, and I may close off to you for good. I wish I could take things less seriously. :/ I have a hard time letting people be fallible. I staunchly hold them responsible for their abuses until they apologize and change their behavior.
Edit: I think I used just enough very's.
^^^very true
I'm really laid back and don't really give a shit about 98% of things that go on around me. I know how to compromise. So when I won't bend on the 2%, people think I'm being difficult. I don't think I'm being difficult, they just aren't being reasonable. :nod:
I'm bad at compromise . It's difficult for me to know when to hold out and when to give in. I hold out when I should give in which makes people frustrated. In other words, stubborness. On the other hand, I give in when I should hold out which makes me frustrated and tense. It can be difficult to communicate with someone effectively with these traits.
I think I'm easy to get along too. I'm considerate and humorous and reasonable, mostly just a quirky bag of laughs, and my close friends I mostly have an argument with once a decade. Generally I'm very liked socially and have many acquaintances that atleast seem to happily greet me instead of pretending to be looking at some extremely fascinating floor tile or hiding behind large vertical objects. My earlier comment is terribly colored by the fact I've been recently getting over some "traumatic" work related experiences, where I was severely criticized and subsequently stuck my head in the bush and didn't come out for a few years. Well..%€#%%t happens...but what I can share is HOW I was criticized:
"Too sensitive"
"Not doing the creating in an interactive group situation"
"Too inflexible when it came to the creative product"
"Too much of a perfectionist"
"Too intense"
"Too serious about things"
My colleagues wanted the creative process to be people sitting in a room deciding communally about everything and taking a vote and wanted me to be more "happy" about doing repetitive mechanical always the same kill you with boredom are you sleeping already kind of trainig drills. When asked about the meaning behind our work by a journalist one of us (chosen to represent by a communal vote) said "Oh there is none. It's just for fun". That was the nail on the coffin for me. I can see how they'd see me in the end as "difficult" and sarcastic, but I also saw most of them in less flattering terms. And unfair. During my "I'm shutting the curtains, don't bother me" sojourn I accidentally got to reading about personality types more and firstly was exhilarated to find that I'm a of a "type" and how my preferred way of working is valid. It also made me understand how others truly find other ways of working THE way for best results. It IS...for them. But not for me. Problem is I can come to understand their view (because I'm interested in it and it puzzles me) however I also think the proverbial hell will freeze over before they'd waste an ounce of thought to what mine might be. It's just not their way I suppose. So for my own good I just have to be more selective of who I work with from now on and in what capacity. It's much better to find people roles they feel happy in and respect their ways, and I can now also better explain my preference.
^^^very true
I'm really laid back and don't really give a shit about 98% of things that go on around me. I know how to compromise. So when I won't bend on the 2%, people think I'm being difficult. I don't think I'm being difficult, they just aren't being reasonable. :nod: