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I don't think they exist as places, but I would be willing to accept that perhaps they exist as psychological states.
I agree that heaven and hell are principally states - although on a different level to the psychological.
"Psychological states" seems linked to the physical condition of the brain and its functions. After death, if you admit of continuation of some aspect of the person, besides the physical, will obviously not feature any brain activity. Whatever it is about us that goes beyond functions of physicality, it is that which will experience either heaven, or hell.
Atheist's objections to heaven, or hell: What can I say - I choose to believe and they choose not to believe. That's about the sum of it.
Theists', Christians' objections to hell: If one accepts heaven to be essentially an eternal union with God and hell to be an eternal separation from him - then the possibility of freely choosing one, or the other as a sign of God being good. If we had no choice in the matter - that is, if we all inevitably would end up in either heaven, or hell arbitrarily - then it would seem that God would have withheld a very significant choice from us (or the ability/faculties to make such a choice).
I suppose that withholding the choice between heaven and hell is justified in terms of deserved-ness. Many people deserve to be separated from eternal goodness because of malice; and no one can technically deserve to be united with God eternally. So the ability to choose between heaven and hell isn't just a mark of goodness in God, but also of generosity.